Used "future" tag for things that didn't have issues attached
Hard to figure out how much progress was actually made
Hard to tell what is "done"
Hard to understand the varying priorities in a bucket
Buckets that are cross app hard to see the progress in a particular area
Do buckets need a home sig? Would that make it easier to identify the themes?
Ways to make the buckets logical even if they won't be perfect
Can "definition of done" be influenced by roadmap items? ie, app should include ability to export
Somethings just haven't been defined because the work is too far out
Is anything ever done?
Things added after prioritization was done will not have been folded in
Know that teams looked at previous roadmap and grabbed work based on it, also prioritized by working with SIGs
"Functionality there but improvements still coming" - how to represent states like this
How could we make a more targeted roadmap without feeling like we're missing things. How indicate bigger directions, changes that are significant out of so many things?