Test Plan: ERM-185 View/download a file from a document attachment

Test Plan: ERM-185 View/download a file from a document attachment


UXPROD-1159 - Getting issue details... STATUS


ERM-185 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Plan Reference

ERM-188 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Prepared byBenjamin Ahlborn
Verified by
Verified Date


Acceptance Scenarios / Test Cases

Scenario 1: View/download a file from a document attachment 

Test Path NameGIVEN
Initial Context
Something Happens

Expected Result

Sequence of steps to follow
(Haken) Pass (Fehler) Fail

Tester / Timestamp


Successfully view/download a file from a document attachment in view mode

  • as a logged-in user
  • with the minimum user rights ERM: can view agreements/licenses
  • opening the Licenses or Agreements app
  • searching for an instance
  • view instance contents
  • when presented with a view/download link/button
  • I click the link/button
  • (depending on browser setup)
  • a file is downloaded from FOLIO and loaded in the designated viewer or offered to be saved to local file system
  1. Log in as user with minimum user rights ERM: can view agreements/licenses
  2. Navigate to Agreements app/agreement with file attachement
  3. click 'view/download' link/button in accordion
  4. verify that file is acessible for view/save
  5. Repeat step 2-4 for
    1. licenses
    2. supplementary material to license
  • (prepare agreement and license instances with file attachments)
  • (prepare test users with staged privileges)

2unsufficient user privileges
  • as a logged-in user
  • without minimum user rights ERM: can view agreements/licenses
  • opening the Licenses or Agreements app

request to use app is rejected

(or if searching/browsing/expanding accordions are allowed: view/download button is inactive) 

  1. Log in as user without minimum user rights ERM: can view agreements/licenses
  2. Navigate to agreement with file attachement
  3. click 'view/download' button
  4. verify that file is not accessible
  5. Repeat step 2-4 for
    1. licenses
    2. supplementary material to license

3Successfully view/download a file from a document attachment in edit mode
  • as a logged-in user
  • with the minimum user rights ERM: can view/edit agreements/licenses
  • opening the Licenses or Agreements app
  • searching for an instance
  • edit instance contents
  • when presented with a view/download link/button
  • I click the link/button
  • (depending on browser setup)
  • a file is downloaded from FOLIO and loaded in the designated viewer or offered to be saved to local file system
  1. Log in as user with minimum user rights ERM: can view/edit agreements/licenses
  2. Navigate to agreement with file attachement/enter edit mode
  3. click 'view/download' button
  4. verify that file is acessible for view/save
  5. Repeat step 2-4 for
    1. licenses
    2. supplementary material to license


(Admittedly far-fetched)

File access on FOLIO not success full (e.g. attachement has been removed/cannot be accessed on file system level)

  • as a logged-in user
  • with the minimum user rights ERM: can view agreements/licenses
  • opening the Licenses or Agreements app
  • searching for an instance
  • when presented with a view/download button/link
  • I click the button/link
  • the file cannot be accessed in the backend

Possible feedback

  • dedicated error message
  • View/download button is turned inactive
    is removed


Two users are accessing the app simultaniously, user one removes attachment, which user two wants to access later in the same session

see above

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