Test Plan: ERM-185 View/download a file from a document attachment
Test Plan: ERM-185 View/download a file from a document attachment
Acceptance Scenarios / Test Cases
Scenario 1: View/download a file from a document attachment
Test Path Name | GIVEN Initial Context | WHEN Something Happens | THEN | TEST SCRIPT Sequence of steps to follow | TEST DATA | ACTUAL RESULTS | Tester Comments | STATUS | LOG NOTE | |
1 | Successfully view/download a file from a document attachment in view mode |
| ||||
2 | unsufficient user privileges |
| request to use app is rejected (or if searching/browsing/expanding accordions are allowed: view/download button is inactive) |
| |||||
3 | Successfully view/download a file from a document attachment in edit mode |
| |||||
4 | (Admittedly far-fetched) File access on FOLIO not success full (e.g. attachement has been removed/cannot be accessed on file system level) |
| Possible feedback
| Test-scenario: Two users are accessing the app simultaniously, user one removes attachment, which user two wants to access later in the same session see above |
, multiple selections available,
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