MARC Migration Documentation


MARC Migration involves the process of updating and transferring MARC records and related FOLIO records within the FOLIO system, particularly when mapping rules change. This documentation is intended for developers, system administrators, and library personnel involved in the management and migration of MARC records. It provides comprehensive guidelines on utilizing the MARC Migration API, handling known limitations, optimizing performance, and troubleshooting common issues.

Use Cases and Scenarios

Scenario: MARC Records Remapping

When mapping rules for MARC bibliographic or authority records are updated, a comprehensive process is initiated to ensure that all MARC source records are accurately remapped to their corresponding FOLIO records (either instances or authorities). This remapping process ensures that the records in FOLIO reflect the latest mapping rules without altering the original MARC source records. The following steps outline the procedure for remapping MARC records:

  1. Register the MARC Migration Operation: Initiate the migration by registering a new operation via the MARC Migration API. This operation will encompass all necessary steps to process the MARC records according to the updated mapping rules.

  2. Track the Operation: Continuously monitor the progress of the migration operation through the API. Track the operation until the data mapping phase is complete, ensuring that all MARC records have been successfully mapped to the new format as per the updated rules.

  3. Initiate the Data Saving Phase: Once the mapping phase is verified to be complete and successful, initiate the data saving phase through the API. This step will update the corresponding FOLIO records with the new mapping data derived from the MARC sources.

  4. Continuous Monitoring: Keep monitoring the operation until it is fully complete. This includes verifying that all FOLIO records have been updated and that the system's integrity and consistency are maintained post-migration.

API Usage Guide

Making API Requests

To interact with the MARC Migration API, users must send HTTP requests to the appropriate endpoints. Each request must include proper authentication and adhere to the specified request format.


Authentication is managed through the use of X-Okapi-Token. Include your token in the header of your API requests to authenticate:

X-Okapi-Token: <your_access_token>

Ensure that the authenticated user has the required permissions to perform operations:

  • for initiating migration operations.

  • marc-migrations.operations.item.put for initiating data saving phase of migration operations.

  • marc-migrations.operations.item.get for retrieving the status of migration operations.

Sample API Calls

  • Registering a Migration Operation:

    POST /marc-migrations Content-Type: application/json X-Okapi-Token: <your_access_token> { "entityType": "authority", "operationType": "remapping" }

    This call registers a new MARC Migration operation. The operationId needed for subsequent calls will be provided in the response of this request. The entityType can be either "authority" or "instance" depending on the records being migrated.

  • Tracking Migration Operation:

    GET /marc-migrations/{operationId} X-Okapi-Token: <your_access_token>

    Replace {operationId} with the ID received from the response of the POST call. This endpoint allows you to track the progress and status of an ongoing MARC Migration operation. Possible statuses include:

    • "new": The operation has been initialized but not yet started.

    • "data_mapping": The operation is currently mapping data.

    • "data_mapping_completed": Data mapping is complete.

    • "data_mapping_failed": Data mapping has failed.

    • "data_saving": Data is currently being saved.

    • "data_saving_completed": Data saving is complete.

    • "data_saving_failed": Data saving has failed.

  • Initiating Data Saving Phase:

    Use this call to initiate the data saving phase for a MARC Migration operation once the data mapping phase is complete. Ensure to replace {operationId} with the valid ID from your registered operation.

Known Limitations

The MARC Migration system currently has several limitations that users should be aware of when planning and executing migrations:

Migration Timing

  • Maintenance Hours: Migration should be executed during maintenance hours when there are no interactions with instances or authority records. This helps to avoid conflicts and ensures system stability during the migration process.

No Horizontal Scalability

The system is designed to handle migration jobs sequentially with only one application instance. This means that:

  • Sequential Job Processing: Only one migration job can be processed at a time. If multiple migrations are initiated, subsequent jobs will be queued until the current job is completed.

  • Single Instance: The system does not support running multiple instances of the MARC Migration application simultaneously, which limits the ability to scale horizontally to handle larger loads or concurrent migrations.

No Failover Mechanism

In the current setup, there is no failover mechanism. This has the following implications:

  • Risk of Data Loss: If the application crashes during a migration, any files being processed at that time will be lost and the operation should be restarted.

  • Job Interruption: A crash or failure in the application can cause the current migration job to become stuck.

Performance-Based Configurations

Based on extensive performance tests involving over 16 million records during the Ramsons release, detailed in PERF-929, we have identified optimal configurations and strategies to enhance the performance of MARC migrations.

The default configuration for MARC migration took approximately 9.5 hours to complete, with 7 hours dedicated to data mapping and 2.5 hours to data saving.

The most efficient test utilized a CHUNK_FETCH_IDS_COUNT of 12,000 and a RECORDS_CHUNK_SIZE of 4,000, reducing the total migration duration to about 4 hours (3 hours 35 minutes for data mapping and 27 minutes for data saving).


  1. Increase CPU Allocation: For services mod-entities-links and mod-marc-migrations, either increase the default CPU allocation or set it to 0 to handle additional load.

  2. Optimal Chunk Sizes: Use CHUNK_FETCH_IDS_COUNT=12000 and RECORDS_CHUNK_SIZE=4000 to decrease migration time. Note that this configuration may cause mod-entities-links to use an additional 25% CPU.

  3. Container Configuration: Use only one container for mod-marc-migrations to optimize resource usage.

  4. Data Handling: While data mapping runs, files are stored directly in the working mod-marc-migrations container and later moved to an S3 bucket. If no S3 bucket is provided, data mapping will fail. If the container fails during data mapping, all files will be lost, and the mapping process will hang indefinitely.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Handling Migration Failures

If any step of the migration process fails, the system is designed to save files detailing the causes of failure to an S3 bucket. To identify and analyze these failures, follow these steps:

  1. Locate Failure Files: Check the database in the operation_chunk_step table. The entity_error_chunk_file_name column contains the name of the file that holds the failed entities, while the error_chunk_file_name column contains the name of the file with the causes of the failures.

  2. Analyze Failure Files: Retrieve and examine the specified files from the S3 bucket to understand what went wrong during the migration process.

  3. Fix Issues: Based on the analysis, make the necessary corrections to the affected entities. This may involve data cleanup, format adjustments, or other specific changes needed to address the issues identified.

  4. Restart Migration: Once the necessary fixes are made, restart the migration operation. Ensure that the system is in a stable state and that there are no interactions with instances or authority records during this time to prevent further complications.


  • Q: What should I do if a migration operation fails?

    • A: Follow the steps outlined in the 'Handling Migration Failures' section. Locate the failure files, analyze them to determine the cause of the failure, fix the identified issues, and then restart the migration operation.


  • Migration Operation: The process of migration of database records, which may involve changes to the data format, restructuring, and cleaning. In the context of MARC Migration, the current supported operation type is "remapping."

  • Data Mapping: The phase in the migration process where source data is transformed according to the current mapping rules.

  • Data Saving: The phase in the migration process where the transformed data is saved. This step finalizes the migration by persisting the new data format in the system's storage.

  • Remapping: The process of reassigning data from one schema or structure to another, involving transformation or adaptation to new mapping rules.

  • Mapping Rules: Mapping rules determine how MARC data is converted to FOLIO's record formats.

  • Sequential Processing: Handling tasks one at a time in a specific order, without parallel or simultaneous execution. This is relevant in environments where tasks are dependent on the completion of previous tasks.

  • Chunk Size: In data processing, the size of a batch of records is handled together in one operation. This term is significant in optimizing performance during data-intensive operations like migrations.

  • S3 (or compatible storage): A cloud storage of large amounts of data. In the context of MARC Migration, it is used for storing data files during the migration process.

References and Resources

Change Log

  • 2024-10-26: Initial release of the documentation.