Sprint 187




  1. Identify tickets that require UI load testing for long lists/tables.

  2. Identify tickets that require Karate tests.

  3. Identify tickets that require performance testing.


  1. Review completed tickets and decide if release notes should be updated:

    1. Required migrations

    2. Config changes

    3. New/changed permissions

    4. Breaking schema changes

    5. Re-indexing changes

    6. Known issues

    7. MARC mappings changes

    8. What else?

 Action items

@Valery_Pilko will create a ticket for ui-marc-authorities authority file drop-down (Christine created them UIMARCAUTH-406 and MODELINKS-230)
@Pavlo Smahin Create Karate tests for MODSOURCE-749: 00X fields reset position when Creating/Deriving/Editing MARC recordsClosed MODQM-256: User can enter {dollar} to code for a literal $Closed MSEARCH-693: Consortium API - Items EndpointClosed
@Christine Schultz-Richert update Q release notes related to create/update permissions