PC supports technical review of translation functionality, with further architectural considerations to be reviewed by the Technical Council

OutcomePC supports technical review of translation functionality, with further architectural considerations to be reviewed by the Technical Council
Due date


Notes from the 2021-12-02 meeting. Slack Channel messages:
Kristin Martin 11:18 AM
Hello @here Thank you for the engaging meeting today. Our agenda was packed and we were unable to completely finish our discuss around mod-translations and ui-translations. (see full information in the notes and references on the modules page. Ultimately, we concluded there were two different issues:
The desirability of the on-the-fly translation options.
Questions around architectural issues, as the apps would effectively touch every other app in FOLIO.
We just ran out of time. @Massoud AlShareef has provided some use cases on the Slack channel for the modules, and Peter provided notes from the PC a year when the topic was first introduced. At this point, we need to decide whether, as the PC, we support the functionality and want the TC to start a technical review. As was pointed out in the meeting, the technical review will review the code for soundness, but not address the larger architectural considerations. What I would propose is that:
the PC, at this moment, consider the functional desirability of the modules, and determine if the TC should begin a review.
The PO request time at the Technical Council to further explore the larger architectural issues before determining an ultimate inclusion in the FOLIO release. This issue is beyond just the scope of the PC.
At this point, I would support moving forward with the TC technical review based on the desire for the functionality. Please add your thoughts here through tomorrow.

Action items
