2024-03-12 FOLIO Implementers Meeting Notes


Mar 12, 2024




  • @Thomas Trutt, Alexis Manheim, Buddy Pennington, Lauren Seney, Peter Murray, Tara Barnett, Cody N, Mary Aycock (she/her), and others










Small Talk

  • Nerdy Obsidian Talk: multiple vs single vaults, and obsidian publish

    • a digression on a 3D printed R2D2?!?!


WOLFcon 2024 Plans

  • A “FOLIO Bootcamp” (tentative name) is being planned for the day before WOLFcon sessions begin. The idea is to provide a day-long bootcamp for new and implementing libraries to jumpstart their understanding of FOLIO.

  • Our goal in this meeting is to discuss what we think would be useful in such a workshop and determine if there are other sessions we might want to submit.


FOLIO Bootcamp Plans

  • Thomas asks what types of sessions would be useful in a bootcamp. Classics such as Circulation Rules or Data Import?

    • Tara suggests a big picture “how it all fits together” session to explain FOLIO to new users.

    • Thomas suggest an overview of what FOLIO is and how it differs from other library systems.

    • Alexis asks who the audience is? Is this for people who have already decided to implement, or prospective FOLIO users?

      • Thomas notes that this is still up in the air, but will be discussed as part of the planning with Deborah (Cornell). In all likelihood, the audience will be mixed.

  • Another question: should there be one track or multiple tracks for people to pick and choose?

    • The benefit of multiple tracks is that it better accommodates multiple audiences with a variety of backgrounds. The benefit of a single track is that it provides a common basis for all users.


Possible Session: Law

  • Lauren is at the Law Library at CU Boulder, which is sharing a tenant with CU Boulder’s main campus. Many universities have Law, Medical, Music, etc. branch libraries that operate independently sharing a tenant with a “main” library. These specialized libraries have practices, policies, and needs that differ from the “main” library. Lauren asks if there would be interest in a session for libraries that are “the little fish in the big sea” (or, even more beautifully put: “the small poppy in the opium field”).

    • Everyone agrees this is a great idea. While there are loose groups for Law Libraries and Small Libraries in the FOLIO community, this “small poppy” status is a common but complex situation that would be of general interest.

    • We think this would be a great session for the general conference.


More FOLIO Bootcamp plans

  • Thomas asks: how about Data Migration? Would that make sense as part of Bootcamp, or maybe as a stand-alone session?

  • Cody asks: “Would topics geared towards developers be out of scope? Things like a demo on the development process for new modules, Postman + Folio APIs, CQL queries, etc?” Buddy chimes in to note that there’s interest in a session specifically on using the APIs.

    • We wonder if a basic introduction to APIs would make sense for the bootcamp, and an “intermediate APIs” session might be submitted as a normal session.

  • Buddy notes that Data Export and Data Import techniques are mandatory for any operating library to do bulk changes. This should likely be covered.

  • Buddy also highlights Acquisitions apps as of high interest. Acquisitions is not intuitive for most users and would be a valuable part of a bootcamp.


Wait a second, who’s even going to WOLFcon?

  • Most people are mostly sure they’re going, but won’t have full confirmation until after the sessions are due because of how budgets work.


Any other session ideas?

  • Tara suggests “library show and tell”--this was done in Hamburg and it was kind of fun. It fits well with Implementers.

  • Thomas wonders if there would be an interest in a session on fee/fine exports. Cornell had to write a custom script to do virtual transfers, and could present on this.


The end!

  • If you have any other ideas, please post them in slack!


Action items
