2021-11-02 Meeting Notes



Discussion items


Feedback from Implementers

Sharon Wiles-Young

Anya Arnold

Notes courtesy of Sharon Wiles-Young

Threat : how will FOLIO be funded, what is the sustainability plan

Threat//Weakness: unstable release requiring several hotfixes 

Opportunity: To work toward stable releases  

Threat/Weakness : lack of documentations leading to confusion on expected functionality and analysis is a bug or not

Opportunity/Weakness: Lack of community process or procedure to enter a bug or enhancement request; how does the community submit a bug or an enhancement

Threat/Weakness:  Difficult to track a bug especially when using a hosting provider


Strength/Opportunity: Community openness for new SMEs to get involved and to give their input


Threat/Weakness: Community not open and lacks an onboarding process for new developers to get involved in the project 

Opportunity/Strength: possibilities of extensions or interoperability of software for example connecting repositories software 

Weakness/Threat: A monolithic release process - with this release process, is FOLIO a microservices model  and can the software be extensible?

Opportunity/Strength: APIs in FOLIO should make it more available for programming around such as developing utilities, ad hoc utilities

Threat/Weakness: Complexity in how the modules are intertwined - which makes the architecture fragile and difficult to work with

Strength: how quick the POs react when the community says it must be changed - ie inventory drop downs in kiwi bug fest 

Strength: the gift of FOLIO is that we are looking into the future the vision and thinking differently  is a huge strength 

Opportunity:  growing vendor support market that you can have the same system but maybe different vendors - around support /implementing /hosting 

Weakness/Opportunity: FOLIO needs to have successful examples of self hosted libraries 

Threat/Opportunity: need support / documentation /training / demos  

Weakness/Threat: Lack of a (coherent story), a status of reporting in the FOLIO platform from the project; what are the options in FOLIO for reporting? 

Opportunity/Threat: GDPR issues how much are they considered; need to be addressed and information provided on GDPR in FOLIO  +1

Threat  Need to have community empowered to ask for a change in functionality or to make the functionality more efficient or community report, analyze, fix bugs

Weakness/Opportunity: Lack of Opac or a Catalog and information from the project about choices and integrations

Opportunity/Weakness: robust 3rd party integration for other vendors or software companies but we do not have that many ...ie Acq - we have gobi integration but not others

Opportunity/Weakness: Banner integrations and information about other ERP interoperability connections 

Strength: This feedback session, we are sitting here now and able to talk about this 

Opportunity/Weakness:Technologies are not the latest technologies that are being asked for but maybe they need to be more forward thinking and more discussion of options example EDIFACT not latest technology

Opportunity/Weakness:  getting BorrowDirect to work with FOLIO .. interoperability

Threat/Weakness: Implementers asking for specific features and functionalities and too many  red lines drawn- discussion of feature is it crucial and is the feature/functionality meeting FOLIO vision and future thinking 

Threat/Weakness: Taking time to  look ahead 10 years from now what about FOLIO and the environment will be different and how will the software change and mature 

Threat/Opportunity: what are options for functionality and workflows, what workflows are possible in folio 

Threat/Weakness: : is FOLIO truly different from other systems 

Threat/Weakness:  how can FOLIO lead you to the future if the features have to resemble the older systems; is the community forward thinking enough

Opportunity/Threat: we need more and diverse voices from the depth of the library, staff who use functions daily and collaborate on workflow, processes, functionality - checking in what what really happens day to day 

Opportunity/Weakness;  Need to listen support libraries that will be self hosted; share the success of self hosted libraries

Threat/Weakness: Devise a method, publicize and train libraries how to rank/vote; the longer the Project goes without allowing all to rank issues the loss of important voices and potential rift could emerge (there is a new working group to come up with a method and process)  this links back to empowerment of libraries to understand and expose features that need to be developed

Weakness: As community grows there are so many groups and so many things going on the communication is lost - there needs to be one spot were the communication is gathered and exposed 

Threat/Opportunity: balance of funding, resources and effort and diversifying without losing the momentum of moving forward  

Success: Release notes are good; communicating what is in the release 

Opportunity : the elevator pitch for the releases ( this is x release video/write up) 

ACTION:  SWOT analysis distributed November 8th and due back November 30th - Anya and Sharon will compile the feedback for the Product Council and share with the community.

Future agenda itemsAll

Need new demos, they are helpful

Tod: should we coordinate with the Support SIG or documentation group?

Bob: Does the official documentation include videos or demos?  They are useful

Patti: could the demos be farmed out to the SIGs

Tod: seeing others' workarounds in the demos is also useful

Patti: some of the vended libraries are active in the SIGs, others are a little more shy.  Should we bring them here for introductions?  CalTech is going live now, for instance, and nobody seems to know that.

The group liked this idea and asked the vendors to invite new implementers to future meetings?

Future meeting ideas:

Hosting/migration service providers - lessons learned, not sales pitch (smile)

Action items
