2021-02-16 Meeting Notes



Paula Sullenger

Kelly Drake

Debra Howell

Jesse Koennecke

Molly Driscoll

Martina Schildt

Peter Murray

Brooks Travis

Tod Olson

Chulin Meng

Jean Pajerek

Ian Walls

Marie Widigson

Kyle Banerjee


Tracy L Patton

Karen Newbery

@nicole Becwar

Christie Thomas

Robert Scheier

Martina Tumulla

Darsi Rueda

Tom Wilson


Steve Bischof

Natascha Owens


Discussion items


New roadmap planning process, part deuxKelly Drake

TF: Communication - where should it appear?

People want to see it on the wiki

Jesse - should there be a high-level representation on the wiki with a more detailed version for people involved in the project?

Kelly - should there be a history?  Such as archive each release separately?

Peter - what about using the wiki history

Jesse - would like to see some annotation over time.  What did we change and when and why?

Kelly - would also allow us to see what got dropped

Karen - would like to have laid out when things are going to be addressed, not just features but tech debt; what kinds of things will be focused on during a release cycle (this release we focus on searching, or whatever); also about how teams might be sustainable.

Jesse - from other conversations (last week?): wanting to understand how work not overseen by the PC integrates into the whole.

Kelly - if we had a roadmap template how could we structure it?  Team specific, or as a whole with teams broken out.. How to handle "backlog" - things we know need to be worked on but haven't yet.  We need a way of making sure people feel they are being heard.

Jesse - need to put together a process for putting together the roadmap, suggestions for processes? Ideas that have surfaced:

  • continuing with ranking process

Karen - maybe not focus so much on features and more on underlying technology that allow those features to take place. Example: searching across all apps, workflow app, todo app would make it easier to deal with those processes that are hard-coded. Some of those underlying things are part of what could make FOLIO special, not just another LMS. (Jesse - then that might point to some tech debt or architectural things that need priority.)

Brooks - breakdown of community-contributed resources? (Jesse - part of that belongs to the Community Council, but will need to be brought together with capacity planning.) Prospect for communicating what the project needs for moving specific work forward.

Jesse- plan to post new process soon, still talking with people and there will be a comment/feedback time

Implementation issues

Many of the SIGS have implemented various process for dealing with their specific implementation issues.  Here's a quick list:

Resource Management implementers - https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RM/Resource+Management+implementers

Inventory Implementers - https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/MM/Inventory+Implementers

ERM Implementers - https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RM/ERM+implementers

RA SIG - Thursday Implementer Discussions.FOLIO Implementation Group - https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/COHORT2019/FOLIO+Implementation+Group

Collecting individual institution documentation and training -

Community Contributed Resources 

Kristen Martin has folder in Google Drive for Resource Management documentation.

Future topics

Receiving workflow demos deferred until Honeysuckle - Bywater libraries using Honeysuckle starting tomorrow, a couple others going in February, Cornell and Duke using ERM Honeysuckle

Of Note:
Last 20 minutes of Data Import meetings have morphed into "Labs" where they're working with libraries on workflows. Also, Data Export meetings have become sharing labs for the entire hour. Data Import meetings are Wednesday 1:00 p.m Eastern. Data Export Thursday 3:00 p.m. Eastern.

March 2- Capacity Planning team Juniper update.  See January 28 Product Council minutes or recording for background on how the process works.

Action items
