2020-06-16 Meeting notes

2020-06-16 Meeting notes




Discussion items


FOLIO Communication Spaces
Harry Kaplanian
  • Every year around this time, ebsco gets together with the PC and the Stakeholders and review status of EBSCO resources.
  • Two years ago, EBSCO increased resources - let PC/Stakeholders know
  • EBSCO is extending work on teams for another year - minor difference - EBSCO reserves the right to have full-staffed EBSCO teams to diverge in prioritiy settings
  • Community staffed/EBSCO embedded teams will continue to operate
  • Should not affect Round IV adopters. 
  • EBSCO adopters want what others want
  • What EBSCO builds gets contributed back to the community.
  • Priority of features hasn't changed. EBSCO tries to build according to those priorities.
  • When POs/development teams look at priorities, there are pre-requisites that come into play and they will adjust to meet the needs.
  • Healthy for the community
  • FOLIO has to be a commercial success as well. The success garners more interest/funding.
  • Seeing FOLIO as an open source project beginning to mature.
  • EBSCO is committed to MVP features. Kelly - Additional 42 features that all round IV libraries say they need EBSCO is committed to as well? Harry - For majority of features, it's likely that EBSCO's customer wants them too. If there's features in the 42 that only one library wants, and it's not an EBSCO customer, it may not be done by EBSCO.
  • Capacity planning for Q3 is starting. EBSCO and EBSCO teams will continue. Maybe need to work to enhance transparency to general community.
  • Steven Bischoff - people like the POs are going to continue with their groups, and aren't being redirected to prioritize EBSCO customers. Harry - fair to say. May be a case where a team has to be redirected, but it would be something the community needs. Maybe the order might be done differenty.
  • Jacquie Samples - concerns about switching back and forth when community isn't ready to switch because we're partly through issue A when EBSCO client needs issue C. Harry - not going to happen. As matter of programming practice, that's a bad thing. Teams will continue to work on issues to completion. As libraries go live, we have feedback loop (bugs/defects). Some developers may have to turn attention to that to get a hot fix out, then return to what they were working on. Many teams are shared teams with members from all organizations and they'll continue to work on community prioritization.
  • Tod - How do we see this playing out on capacity planning process? Harry - probably doesn't change that much. Already during the process, we have spreadsheet of features and teams, POs have option to adjust the priorities. Previously it was more of an algorithm/automatic assigning of tasks. May be more hands-on. For example - Index Data delivered Course Reserves (which was part of MVP - everyone requires it).
  • Course Reserves and QuickMARC are both a really good example of market forces working on the product. 

Round IV libraries - last push to review Jiras was due yesterday

A&M - reviewing functional workflows, doing testing. Will report out what features may be missing from the workflows. Downgraded a few things.

Chicago - downgraded a few things. puzzled about a few of the rankings where features had been split and original rankings had been carried forward. Made a point when marking things that were showstoppers, potential work arounds, where partial features were needed.

Cornell - got it down to 4 deal breakers. Re-ranking fatigue. Went through go-lives that didn't have a quarter assigned to them and found deal breakers. Paying Index Data to write OCLC Connexion piece.

5 Colleges - whittled down a few. Asked people if there were things that people could live without for 6 months or a year. But it's gotten to the point where they've really marked what they need for go-live. Hard to figure out how to rank things for eHoldings/Agreements since going live with ERM this summer. Pretty good with what they need this summer.

Tod - found a couple things that weren't ranked - thought they were ranked! New tickets have been created. Patty - sometimes Jira gets re-written and is considered new, as it's been split. Found lots of features that all libraries ranked as go-live or one quarter after. The one-quarter afters are still an expression of urgency.

Duke - didn't downgrade much last week, maybe a few previously unranked items.

Missouri - Brooks - some data didn't migrage (patrons, bibs, items) because of validation reasons. Clean-up and re-import. Waiting on hot-fix for pick-slips bug. Wrote a script to send a PDF of the data via email.

Managing Bib records - not modifying records in FOLIO. New records - not a log of cataloging on new records yet. cleaning up old records in old system then importing.

Do cataloging in OCLC - doing more cataloging there, data import to FOLIO, attaching FOLIO HOL/ITEM records to those instances. For editing instance, will add holdings and items. will overlay or edit once they have the QuickMARC.

Right now there's no way to see notices that are being sent out (fines/fees) or that they were sent. Can query notices that are scheduled. Brooks - Periodically going into database of emails to check log in FOLIO - they system that sends emails has a database of sent messages. API call: Base Okapi domain /email. Shows body of email, to/from, status, metadata, 


Theodor Tolstoy made presentation to MM SIG - community needs to talk about migration - is there an order. Brooks asked about this in the RAML module builder. Response was that it should be fixed in Goldenrod, but not convinced. Needs count from database. Supposedly if it's under 1000 records, count should be accurate. Above that, may be fuzzy. 

Metric problem - problems that happen at 10, 100, 1000 counts.


Documentation would have been helpful - how are scheduled notices generated, or exposing that logic through their own API. No documentation on what it takes to create a user not through the user loader API.

How are your people at Missouri after going live? Fine, for the most part - not back full speed yet. So far no major issues. Been doing some offline circ. Some patrons who didn't migrate - no email address and a barcode, or a barcode of a certain type. And of course, some of them showed up in person. For patrons without email addresses, put in placeholder email to send notice to systems staff and circ staff. Main level of the library is open 9-6. Still have to request things through a request form (closed stacks, separate request process). Pick-up between 4-6 PM. Not a lot of volume going through. Also have request through EDS (why he had to generate script for pick-slip emails). Acquisitions - finishing up fiscal year in Sierra, will start in next fiscal year.

Simmons - has soft launch as of yesterday. Data migrated, settings done. VuFind. Dual process until official cut-over on June 29.

Wentworth will be December

Alabama - Acquisitions October 1. They stop purchasing things. Hope is that they'll be able to be using some of the acquisitions functionality over the summer in prep for sending out new orders after Oct 1, 2020. Don't want to use two systems for an extended period of time, have talked about getting back-of-the-house operations operational first, and leaving up Voyager catalog and EDS being fed Voyager data for some period of time. Don't want to switch public interface mid-semester. Reach out to Chicago if thinking about split system.

Next week - continue 

Action items


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