40 min | Settings, reference data and finance show and tell, focused on each library (Simmons, Lehigh, Missouri St, Chalmers) for 10 minutes each questions and discussion | Kelly Drake | - Chalmers doesn't use finance at all in FOLIO
- Lehigh has tested creating an order but still not sure what's working and what isn't, MSU also hasn't gotten very far
- Kristen talked about the Finance settings for Simmons (based on Edelweiss):
- using default list
- using only two fund types (monographs & subscriptions)
- using a fund spreadsheet now to figure out how their FOLIO fund structure should look (34 funds)
- set up groups for tracking - these are created by each institution. Groups don't have funds but show summaries of their associated funds
- noting which funds can allow transfers to and from - they tested a transfer and it worked
- won't be using vouchers so not setting up any external account info
- Nobody else has tested these much
- Questions about how encumbrances will work, more dev work on this expected in Fameflower & Goldenrod
- Fund: lives over time over multiple fiscal years; budget is for a single FY
- A feature that might be useful from some libraries (Simmons & MSU) would be to encumber against future budgets - due to their university accounting requirements
- Funds/Allocations: everything will be in the default currency your institution selects (also controls fines & fees)
- Simmons monograph order process:
- Preferred process is to create PO with bib stub, overlay with full MARC later (can't do that now)
- Create PO; required fields (vendor, order type, acq unit)
- Then create PO line, Simmons will put in inventory record in at time of order
- Can create templates with pre-populated fields
- Bill To/Ship To: not so important if vendor order imported but needed if actually sending out the order
- Re-encumber: relates to ongoing orders
- "Manual" - nobody sure what that means (ask Dennis next week)
- Product ID: ISBN, etc. OCLC# wouldn't go here because it's a record number
- Updates & overlays will be worked on in Goldenrod
We'll look at orders more in-depth next week |