2024-10-15 FOLIO Implementers Meeting Notes

2024-10-15 FOLIO Implementers Meeting Notes


Oct 15, 2024






  • Housekeeping (5-min.)

















PC updates / @Charlotte Whitt

2024-10-10 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes

Announcements: LoC is on track. Expect to be working in production next week on Order-based Acquisitions. Full roll out of FOLIO will be June 2, 2025.

Proposed plan:

Wrap up the work in the Prioritization and Road map working group. Transition steps: Evaluate/review if the prioritisation process can follow the Acquisition SIG's way to prioritize new work. Data Import planning is following the Acquisition model. Future road map work belongs in the respective SIG.

The PC will loop in the SIG conveners, SIG Liaisons, and the Product Owners and/or Scrum Masters in a joint meeting as kick off (maybe early November), and then continued conversations in the SIGs. Jesse will partipate together with the SIG liaisons in the SIG meetings. Important that there is alignment. A combination of straw man and conversation. Caitlin underlined that this should feed into the release planning - next flower release to do this planning towards the Trillium (R2 2025) release. Jennifer Eustis suggested that for the SIG priorities this could be part of the SIG reports once or twice a year.

Set up Google Calendar function for the PC. Using the OLF Google calendar structure. To be further discussed at the OLF Officers meeting.

Self Evaluation Checklist / Actions document - Review of any proposed new apps. Review early, and in code time before the Technical Council review process.

Work already in progress that needs completion: PC Working Group on Better Sample Data.

Anything the MM-SIG want me to bring back to the PC?

Action items



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