


Discussion items


Dates for upcoming meetings (current week’s facilitator becomes next week’s minute-taker)

October 12HollySharon
October 19DoreenKristin (Peter, Holly, and Michael will be in Copenhagen)
October 26SharonDoreen
November 2HollySharon
November 8  
Review outstanding tasks:


Will check in later (not present)
Wait for Peter to see if they are going to put together a forum on the GBV/HBZ Funcational Requirements Catalog
  • Holly Mistlebauer to ask Technical Review Team about possible Forum for Nov. 2nd?  Michelle has this on her agenda for tomorrow’s Tech Review Team meeting.  Holly will discuss with OLE Developer group at their meeting tomorrow
Didn’t seem appropriate for this team, moreso for developers; we’re not ready to develop apps yet; possibly a future Forum (not ready for prime time)
  • Kristin Martin Check with Jacob about Oct. 18 & 19th for focus groups or week after for follow up focus groups
Jacob not ready yet for focus groups
  • Rachel Fadlon check with Filip: Can he lead forum on use of proto.io? Can we extend the trial to give people more time to use the product?

Users can subscribe at any time for proto.io, users who subscribe receive 2 month trial; Filip is happy to do this, Rachel will talk with him once we determine some possible dates:

Peter will be looking for firm speakers for Nov 16 time slot (this is in regard to Community Developers: Onboarding & Initial Experiences considered for Nov 16); Holly thinks we need Jakub to solidify date for this Forum: Nov 16?

Based on: https://www.ebsco.com/blog/article/design-your-own-folio-appno-need-to-be-a-programmer

Roadmap session by Harry? (re: Copenhagen meeting); Holly will ask Harry (potentially in Dec?)

Requirements catalog from HBZ/GBV

 Rachel will check in with Filip for Nov 16 slot; we’ll find a later date for the HBZ/GBV cat reqs

  • Tamir Borensztajn: reach out to Diane Bruxvoort at Aberdeen University in the UK. Why that library is participating in FOLIO. Could be a Forum.
Will get in touch with Tamir later (not present)
Nov. 2nd Forum; GOKb eBooks Decision Support & Availability Tracking
  1. Kristin moderator; Doreen technical support

  2. We’ll republicize this as a tickler for potential attendees; we’ll have to post it to OLE Twitter account; has been posted to library email lists
Review of  future topics in Idea Bank to plan future Forums
  1. Protio.io: can we have a forum showing use of proto.io? This would be with Filip. There is a time constraint because the trial is only 8 weeks long. Rachel is checking with Filip to see if he can lead a forum on using the tool and to see if the trial can be extended. We would hold a special forum next week, Oct. 26 (see notes above)

  2. November Forum

    1. Kirstin from GBV on Functional Requirements Catalog (see notes above)

    2. Charleston outcomes (once conference is over, checkin on potential for Forum)

  3. December Forum (probably only one Forum in Dec due to holidays)

    1. Holly will talk to Harry about presenting Roadmap

  4. January Forum

    1. Jacob’s work on UI and possible UI groups

    2. Onboarding developers (Jakub) and initial experiences (Simon, Julian)

    3. Live app development (include app guidelines from Index Data)

  5. February Forum

    1. Outcomes from ALA Midwinter?  Possible topic: what do people want from a system?  What do people want after basic functionality is built?

Upcoming Conferences
  1. Charleston: How are sign ups? Anything else needed?
    1.  RSVPs are going well (Rachel is hoping for 100 :) ; about 65 at present)
    2. RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/folio-vip-lounge-charleston-conference-registration-27688166050    
    3.  Sign up to represent the community in the lounge: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HU-fndeFhmM9_zmjnfRDAVEYXNGql8XwvWuIaS89yYI/edit?usp=sharing
  2. ER&L:  Anything more needed?
    1.  Voting done; keep fingers crossed!; three proposals had been submitted
  3. ALA Midwinter: Folio marketing and what other representation, FOLIO meetings, F2F meetings?
Forum Facilitators group- membership and participation- Original charge called for membership to change and rotate off.  Consists of…?
  1. OLE Project Manager

  2. How about people from other OLE partners?

  3. Query attendees (people who have attended multiple Forums?)

  4. Will pass this by Mike at next Facilitators meeting

  5. How should we rotate membership?  Staggered?

  6. Rachel noted on FOLIO communication channels, call can be put out for interested people

  7. Sharon will reach out to Mike to bring the notes to his attention

Action items

  • Sharon Wiles-Young will make Mike aware of topic re: membership of Forum Facilitators group
  • all can continue sending communications re: Nov 2 Forum
  • Holly Mistlebauer will touch base with Harry at EBSCO re: Forum on roadmap