2020-04-01 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes

2020-04-01 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes




Forum plans:


April 1: Early Implementations

Host: Eric Hartnett
Recap:  288 registration. 100 people on Zoom; 87 on YouTube.  Comments on Slack about Zoom overflow of the license; one comment said that the people participating only come with Zoom...everyone watches on YouTube.  Next time invite everyone to YouTube rather then registering on Zoom.  Create an iCal file that viewers can download into their calendar so that they get the reminder.  90 minutes is long – seeing people drop off Zoom and YouTube.  Four panelists doing demos are too much?  Redirect questions about very specific points to self-exploration or to another forum.

April 29: Fameflower Roadmap Update and Demo

Course Reserves as demo.

Use the YouTube-viewer-model for this Forum.  Peter to create iCal file for people to download.  Let people know that we are trying this as a delivery mechanism and get feedback.  Put on PC agenda for next week to let people know.  Add iCal attachment to Trello board card.  Send iCal attachment to `all-sigs` list (include ask for feedback on new delivery mechanism) and in the Newsletter.

?:  Circulation

It has been a while since a review of the ERM apps was done and there are some exciting things happening.  Eric Hartnett to watch for the optimum time in the fall to do an update.  After the start of the year, Chalmers can do an update on their implementation.

?: Inventory update

Lots of changes to inventory layout. Perhaps paired with MARCCat/QuickMARC?

?: Shanghai Public Library

From Rachel Fadlonon 20200205: Shanghai Library was honored we asked and would like to do a forum, but "They would like to host the event several months later once some apps are well developed, and the virus wave passes."

mid-June: LDP Reports Update

Nassib Nassar requested that we host a webinar in about three months from mid-March for the LDP to show the reports that they have developed.

Reverse RFP

Harry's document.  Get Harry's input on when this will be ready to present to the world.  Is it something we'd like to do as a Forum?

Role of Subject-Matter Experts in FOLIO

Keep as a FOLIO Forum.

As a part of onboarding new people into the community.  Similar to what we did in the past where we had what each of the SIG conveners talk about what they are doing and how people can get involved.

Series of presentations from PC Chair, SIG Convener, UX Designer, Product Owner, Developer – how does everyone work all together.  Possibly part of the general track of WOLFcon?

SIG conveners have not yet started meeting, but the conveners have talked about more consistency across the SIGs, so this could come from the SIG conveners.  Tagging Laura E Daniels for investigation.

?: "Beyond ILS” session: Research/Special Collections


Moderator: Sebastian Hammer

Heidi Mann, Nassib, Mitchell.

On hold for now. Sebastian is confirming with participants.

Preceded by Sebastian/Christopher/Michael with a session about where we are on the project.  What we've discussed with Resource Sharing, for instance. 

in order to put pressure on ourselves to make some decisions around Inventory and Codex
Review Idea Bank
  • Usage Statistics
  • Presentations could start to look at deployment, particularly in a hosted, non-hosted environment
  • Work to prep for migrations to FOLIO. Get implementation managers on a panel.
  • How FOLIO is impacting libraries now: view from Cornell – wait to reach out until we have better sense of implementation timelines; How are they viewing FOLIO from a strategic perspective
  • What is the international perspective on FOLIO? Can we get a panel of international sites (Australia, GVB) to give their perspectives? Plus, international update
  • Host a Forum in the Spanish language with roadmap discussion and demo, could be hosted by Lydia @ EBSCO, include UNAM development team. Rachel Fadlon to investigate.
  • Podcasting as a possibility to get developers to answer questions about the process, EBSCO has people who be able to edit
  • Panel of PO/SIG facilitator/developer together to discuss the full life cycle, moderated by product owner
  • Codex Revisited, based on the vision statement – including the entity formerly known as authority work.
Conference News

New Business

Action items
