2021-05-03 eUsage Reports Meeting Notes

Source data for test scenarios


SLUB has singled out "real-world" agreements from their system for each of the test cases.
Some test cases, though, will need to have split-up agreements (e.g. there are no backfile-only agreements in Dresden, this test case will need to be constructed).
Most of the package data will be imported via KBART files, as the titles are not listed in GOKb.

Axel: We should also try to look at agreements for multiple years, as title lists will change. This will be problematic, because we will need to find old package data. Maybe the national statistics server can help out, maybe we will find old data or we can rely on GOKb for those issues.

Kristen will prepare a spread sheet with test cases, people can then claim test cases and add the names of the agreements they would like to use for testing.

Kristen will have information on test system available for next meeting.
Kristen will also look up, whether data (like possibly many order and invoice lines) could be exported from the production FOLIO system then and imported to the test system.

At RM SIG  this friday (May 7th, 8.30 AM/2.30 PM) Kristen will report on the groups current work and give an update on the development.