2024-07-31 Agenda and Meeting notes

Zoom link:


Jul 31, 2024


  • @Zorian Sasyk @Owen Stephens @Clara Marino @Becca Banach @Elizabeth Richens Please add yourself if you attended!


  1. Housekeeping

    1. Updates on previous topics: UIEH-1419 complete and on track for Ransoms!

      1. https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UIEH-1419

  2. Implementers topic #7 - Searching in eHoldings: issues and possible improvements?

  3. Misc (if time)

  4. Actions

 Discussion topics









10 mins

Agenda #1: Proxied URL display in eHoldings title records


Zorian demoed to group Proxied URL display in eHoldings title-level records using Snapshot. At this time, Proxied URLs will only be displayed at the title level; package-level display will need to be a different User Story. A seperature User Story is being worked on for adding the Proxied URL to the eHoldings package-title export report.

40 mins

Agenda #2: eHoldings search issues (Clara Marino)


Clara discussed and demonstrated issues with eHoldings search:

-stemming is occuring inconsistently across searches (ex. mobilization returns titles with mobilizing, mobile, etc, while quantification returns quantification)

-uncertain how asterisk functions as wildcard

Group discussed need for search documentation for eHoldings, as well as fix for stemming issue

Question: should eHoldings search follow how FOLIO inventory and users search works, or follow how the ERM apps search works? ERM apps do NOT use elastic/opensearch at this time, but there are long terms plans to switch
This Jira might be related: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/MODKBEKBJ-599

20 mins

Agenda #3


Did not discuss, meeting ended early


Action items:

  • Zorian will followup regarding search issues discussed in meeting; if necessary, make bug case for eHoldings search stemming.

  • Followup on wiki documentation for eHoldings search: eHoldings title search is based on Advanced search of HoldingsIQ API, documentation here: