Examples: Foreign currency

Order with Foreign Currency Amount

Orders app

  • Create order 
  • Create POL:
    • Before saving & opening
      • POL number "Accordion Cost Details"
        • Price physical resource: 100
        • Currency: GBP
        • Discount: 5%
        • Estimated price: 95 pounds
    • Example:

    • After save and close (tick)
      • POL number "AccordionCost details
    • Example:

Finances App


Invoices app

Option 1: Invoice is process in primary currency

  • Rechnung eines Lieferanten anlegen (tick)
    • Accordion Additional information -> Currency: EUR
  • Add POL (tick) / (minus)
    • Confirmation that the costs are recorded in the currency specified on the invoice

    • After confirmation, the invoice item does not show €110.66 from the commitment but €95.00 from the estimated price or amount field and is marked with a EUR sign (only pounds were exchanged for EUR)
    • Example:

  • After invoice approval amount is corrcted in Finance app accordingly.
    • Example:


  • When creating the invoice line, the converted "estimated price" or "amount" (encumbrance) from the order item is not used, but the original price with incorrect currency specification
  • The correct amount from the commitment is not used
  • The payment is therefore incorrect

Variant 2: Invoice is processed in foreign currency (e.g. GBP)

  • Create vendor invoice (tick)
    • Accordion Additional information -> Currency: GBP
  • Add POL
    • Correct entry in foreign currency
    • no more reference to EUR price → the encumbrance in the finance app is still correctly shown as € 110.66
    • Example:

    • Additional costs can only be entered in the foreign currency
    • Example:

  • After releasing the invoice, the amount is changed in the finance app
    • Example:

  • Payment and debiting of the budget is in EUR 
  • Calculated total of 101.65 GBP (subtotal + total additional costs) equals 118.40 EUR
  • If the additional costs could be shown in EUR, the amount could be shown correctly: EUR 117.31 = EUR 110.66 (equivalent to GBP 95) + EUR 6.65


  • Additional costs cannot be billed in the primary currency (EUR).
  • Currency differences cannot be settled in the primary currency (as additional costs or similar). However, it is possible to update the invoice amount by adjusting the exchange rate, which usually has to be calculated first (see note)

Note to option 2: Currency differences can be adjusted using the "Apply fixed exchange rate" function:

 Informationen zur Rechnung bearbeiten

 Apply fixed exchange rate

Check "Apply fixed exchange rate" and set the new "Set exchange rate"

 Changes are visible in voucher information
 Finances are shown corrctly in EUR