Phase 2: Reporting updates
Action | Update linked bib record(s) Status |
MARC authority record updates all values EXCEPT 010 $a AND 1XX | N/A |
MARC authority record updates 010 $a AND 1XX | Not started In progress Completed - Success Completed - with errors Failed |
MARC authority deleted WITHOUT linked bib records | N/A |
MARC authority deleted WITH linked bib records | Not started In progress Completed - Success Completed - with errors Failed |
Update linked bib record(s) Status | Definition | Data to include in response |
Not started | Detection that there is a MARC authority update to a linked bib record AND process to update linked bib records has yet to begin. |
In progress | Process to update all linked bib records to an authority record has begun. |
Completed - success | Process to update all linked bib records to an authority record is completed |
Completed - with errors | Process to update all linked bib records to an authority record was successful for some linked bib records but not all. | " " |
Failed | Process to update linked bib records failed. No linked bib records were updated. | " " |
Handling total number of linked | Expected behavior |
Total Number of linked bib records to be updated | Return the total number |
Total Number of linked bib records updated | Return the total number and if possible provide a link that conducts an instance search for all records linked to the updated authority record that were successfully updated |
Total Number of linked bib records failed | Return the total number and if possible provide a link that conducts an instance search for all records linked to the updated authority record that failed to update |