2024-06-10 FOLIO Member Meeting


  • Proposed at item on main agenda - open to existing and prospective member representatives (ie. everyone!)

  • Draft agenda (feedback welcome):

    • Recap (brief): Current state of membership, finances

    • Challenges and opportunities 

    • FOLIO developer advocate (first few months experience) and DevOps transition to Index Data

    • Application formalization / Eureka

    • Making community open-source work effectively

      • The role of membership

      • How should members meet and discuss?

      • Engagement desired and expected

    • Brainstorming

      • Blue sky thinking, breakout groups. Where should FOLIO go?

    • Interest in FOLIO Member Dinner?

      • Chat about status and how to proceed with engagement?



Simeon - WOLFcon

  1. F2F member meeting: Agenda items

  2. Informal member dinner:  There is interest in a member dinner, so more to come on this, will be either Tuesday or Wednesday evening depending on evening of WOLFcon reception

Kirstin: Q/A

  1. When will the membership meeting be? Schedule is still being finalized, please check back soon.

  2. The past member meeting was more restricted- only a few participants per institution. Will this be the same? There was a special group of members in past membership cycles who contributed above a certain level, and this has been done away with. 

  3. What are the most common membership levels. Kat’s (Treasurer) responded:

    1. here is the membership list on the wiki, last updated in April 2024:

    2. The membership levels most common as i can the list here are supporting and sustaining. Here is information on membership levels:

  4. System needs to work

  5. Initially, membership was really important to get FOLIO off the ground. Now that there are over 200 institutions running FOLIO, we want to know why it is important to continue to support, continue to be members. 

  6. It is often hard to say what is the actual return for most memberships. At lower levels financial folks do not ask questions, but for higher levels questions will be asked about what the return is. The problem is to get the people who are not a part of the project to understand the continuing value of the membership at home institutions. 

  7. Maybe at wolfcon we can get together and discuss what membership needs, how we can get supported. Then we can take it to the councils.

  8. Two ideas on how to make membership enticing. 1) Training, 2) Testing, especially acceptance testing

  9. Opportunity to consider recognizing contributions that are not financial- commitments to contributions of staff resources(IE testing, training for other member institutions, documentation). Some institutions can do this more easily

  10. How can we be more deliberate about taking advantage of the breadth of expertise of our international community. As members, we can all play a role to get engaged in the areas that we are interested in. 

  11. Possibly share on the wiki what each member is sharing to the community. This could be motivating to others, to see how others are contributing non financial resources.

  12. Even though we know that more that contribute, the better we will be able to distribute, we should consider accepting that there will be a core of institutions that will always participate/lead. We should not be disheartened, to keep going. 

  13. What is interesting to you as a member, that officers/ councils can report out for membership. 

  14. If you want to be included going forward on these conversations, please send an email to secretary@folio.org