2023-12-12 Bulk edit Meeting Notes

Attendees (please add your name):

Magda Zacharska Amanda Ros Jennifer Eustis Jackie Magagnosc Christine Tobias Kathleen Moore Kim Wiljanen Thomas Trutt Jeanette Kalchik Ruth-Ann Jones Kim Wiljanen

Note Taker:

Meeting Recording:




  • Attendees  - please add your name to the list of attendees.
  • Meeting host -  please turn on Transcript option for the meeting.
  • No meeting on December 26th. Next meeting January 9th, 2024.
  • Who can take notes today?

Notetaker: Christine Tobias 


  Development updates

1. UIBULKED-313 vs. UIBULKED-379

2. Should bulk editing of the electronic access fields include adding new values?  The Bulk edit use cases mention only modifying existing ones.

Discussion: Should we consider this function as required or "nice to have"? Adding a new public note would be nice to have.


Electronic access in .csv file

Bulk edit UI -  UIBULKED-384

.csv file MODBULKOPS-174

Discussion: Proposed format for presentation of data in .csv file: provide all elements of data separated by ";" . Data fields enclosed in "< >".

How would null values be represented? We need visual indication of missing data. Inventory uses a "-". This might work. Best not to use spaces to indicate null fields. Magda will consult with developers.


Instance record columns  


Bulk Edit Column Name Value
Instance UUID
Suppress from discoveryfalse or true.  If not populated leave it empty
Staff suppressfalse or true.  If not populated leave it empty
Previously heldfalse or true.  If not populated leave it empty
Instance HRID
Cataloged dateLocalized value - to be done in FE
Instance status termname instead of id
Mode of issuancename instead of id
Administrative notelist of administrative notes, separated by "|". UTF-8 support
Resource titleUTF-8 support
Index titleUTF-8 support
Series statementslist of series statements separated by "|"
EditionMultiple values separated by "|". UTF-8 support
Physical descriptionMultiple values separated by "|". UTF-8 support
Resource typename instead of id
Nature of contentname instead of id. Multiple values separated by "|"
Formatsname instead of Id. Multiple values separated by "|"
LanguagesMultiple values separated by "|"
Publication frequencyMultiple values separated by "|"
Publication rangeMultiple values separated by "|"

Other columns: 

  1. Identifiers (MODBULKOPS-182)

Should each identifier have a separate column or should they be listed in one column. For example:  

would be represented as shown below on Bulk edit screens and downloadable .csv file:

Note that adding a separate column for each identifiers could add at least 29 new columns

2. Contributors (MODBULKOPS-186)

The same formatting as in Inventory's Contributors column (no separation by the contributor type)

Statistical  codes (MODBULKOPS-183) will be covered by UXPROD-3714

Notes (MODBULKOPS-188) will be covered by UXPROD-4021

Electronic access (MODBULKOPS-189) will be covered by UXPROD-4009

Remaining columns (listed below will be discussed later - unless we should re-prioritize them):


Bulk edit - discovery and staff suppressing instances (UXPROD-3992)


  1. Is it correct to assume that suppressing instance should automatically suppress the underlying holdings and items?  In suppressing holdings we have a checkbox that is by default selected when the record is suppressed:
  2.  Should for suppressing/unsuppressing instances be just one checkbox (Apply to holdings and items)  or two: one for holdings and one for items? Discussion: Generally, if suppression is at the instance level, items and holdings are also automatically suppressed. One checkbox (Apply to holdings and items) should suffice. But for consistency in design, it may be best to have two checkboxes (as is suggested for unsuppression - see question #3).
  3. When unsuppressing the instance, what should happen with underlying holdings and items?  Should they remain suppressed (and corresponding checkboxes are unselected) or should they be unsuppressed (corresponding checkboxes are selected)? Discussion: They remain suppressed (and corresponding checkboxes are unselected).
  4. If the user sets both Staff suppress and Discovery suppress to true, should the behavior be the same as in UXPROD-4303 and the corresponding SRS record (if instance has MARC as source) to have LDR05 set to "d" or should we introduce another option "Set as deleted", or this functionality should not be a part of the bulk edit at all? Discussion: FOLIO does not yet support deletion of Instances. Should we consider marking records for deletion with the "Set as deleted" option? Doing so would staff suppress, suppress from discovery, and set the LDR05 to "d". Yes. This is consistent with Data Import practices.


Bulk Edit - in app approach - statistical codes - (UXPROD-3714)

  1. What are the most common use cases for editing statistical codes?
  2. Should bulk edit cover adding new statistical code types?
  3. Should each element of the statistical codes be available for bulk editing?
  4. How the data should be presented in Bulk edit forms (UI and .csv files)
  5. Should bulk edit concentrate only on adding/removing/modifying statistical codes to instances, holdings and items records?

7Errors and warnings 
  1. Field level errors vs record level errors
  2. Errors vs warnings
  3. Before or after committing changes

Current implementation: Error message consistency: field level errors and warnings vs. record level errors and warnings