Serials Data Alignment Small group

Serials Data Alignment Small group

This is a small group to work on aligning the Data captured in Serial records, receiving (piece) records and Inventory (Holdings and item) records. The work will need to consider workflows that leverage this data in acquisitions, metadata and resource access (possibly more). The group will meet every second Friday starting on Jan 12 at 9am ET. We will aim to meet 4 times if necessary to identify a solution.

PO's are Owen Stephens, Ryan Taylor, Christine Schultz-Richert, Joe Reimers, Cheryl Malmborg, and Khalilah Gambrell. 

Conveners are Felix Hemme, Raegan Wiechert, Dung-Lan Chen, Jana Freytag, and Cornelia Awenius.  

The Zoom link and password is the same as the normal Acquisitions SIG Friday meeting link. 


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/675766727

See FOLIO meetings with Zoom for more information on how to connect.

Or mobile phone one-tap (US Toll):  +16465588656,675766727# or +14086380968,675766727#

Or Telephone:

Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 675 766 727
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=Uz8gOxV-yqHRNcWlZKa4trK_0dP7WPfp

Whiteboard link:  Dennis's Whiteboard


Friday, January 12, 2014

Notes: 2024-01-12 Acq Small Group for Serials Data alignment Meeting notes

Recording: Recording Serials Data Alignment (First meeting)

Friday, January 26th, 2014 

Notes:  2024-01-26 Acq Small Group for Serials Data alignment Meeting notes

Recording:   Recording Serials Data Alignment 2024-01-26

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