Retro fit a POL as a Package and/or add POL to Open Ongoing Order to handle Name Change (other instances)
Happens regularly with ongoing orders where things change over time
When already created as straightforward title link to inventory, ongoing subscription order - stuck and cannot do anything
Need for ability to convert standard POLs to Package POLs and to add POLs in the future. Reasons to have both
Flexibility ideal for ongoing orders - all about history, longevity, information
Seems like converting standard POL to package POL would not be problematic.
Would need to change title to package name.
Receiving workflow would from that point on be independent.
Going back the other way would be more complicated. Is it also a relevant use case to change a package POL into a standard POL?
Can't imagine why you would need to do that.
Never have synchronized for an ongoing order.
For adding POLs, would that make sense for one-time orders?
No. If you place a one-time order, you know what you are ordering. Only time it doesn't come into play is multi-volume, that's about quantity and price though
Far more likely for ongoing orders.
Once ordered, would it be dangerous to allow any given person to add something extra to that?
Needing another permission for it would add a bit more complexity
Kimberly Pamplin 12:56 PM Would order history show that it was added later?
At the moment it would not. Should be added. Maybe even that a POL was deleted.
scolglaz 12:57 PM I am not worried POL date created would show it
Kimberly Smith - Is there anything in compliance or auditing where we would be relying on the software to put an internal control in place?