Module Upgrades/ data upgrade Scripts: There are 5 issues that have been logged that are being considered for the hot fix release coming out next week (search Jira for q1-2020-migration-issue).
Data Import/Export & new migration - William's been added to the team. Discussion documented here.
Names mentioned last week:
Ryan Berger - Front End (EBSCO)
Brandon Tharp - DevOps (Texas A&M)
Craig McNally - BE, core, several apps (EBSCO) - could be a different Core Team member - will resolve after discussion
Julian Ladisch - BE (GBV)
Mike Gorrell - TC convener, broad experience (Index Data)
ERM Team - seek a nominee (Mike to reach out to Ian)
Another SysOps member (Germany?? - Tod and Marko to reach out) - Axel Doerrer
Other potentials - someone with PostgreSQL background/skills - (Julian has those)
Safe Harbor Statement - No update :-( - but do have lawyer lined up from Duke.
Release Management (see above)
Architectural Blueprint discussions -
Discussions being documented and linked to from the TC's wiki, but the documents aren't necessarily public. Opened to the group that is collaborating until the design/discussion has reached the point where public review makes sense. We'll continue to get updates at the TC.