Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022) Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings
Requirements details Here Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot
Attendees: Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)
Current development (Orchid)
- Orchid import planning dashboard
- Poppy import planning dashboard
- Poppy timeline
- Folijet Current Development Board
- Folijet (Data import) Bug Dashboard
- Announcements
- Orchid data import is done
- Starting Poppy development work this week
- Log subgroup work
- Finish discussion of the background slides that we looked at briefly last week; finalize requirements
- A-M discussing with designer and devs
Upcoming meetings/agenda topics:
- Misc
- Discuss/review mockups for MARC updates refinements
- POL/VRN matching
- Deleting outdated versions of SRS records
- Can we define a cutoff date? 90 days ago? 1 year ago?
- Different for records that are used during import and then not consulted again? (e.g. EDIFACT invoices, MARC bibs that only create/update orders, holdings, items)
- Effects on the import log
- Can we define a cutoff date? 90 days ago? 1 year ago?
- OCLC number cleanup
- Confirm 035 structure, aim for it to be consistent across all FOLIO tenants
- Downloading log info
- Lots of interest, especially for errors
- Including identifiers for everything
- What would UI look like?
- What would output look like?
- Variation between PTF and production library performance results - why?
- Revisit use cases for Updating individual MARC fields - what are the most common use cases?