Recordings are posted Here
Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings
Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot
Attendees: Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) Timothy Watters Jennifer Eustis Ann Kardos Lisa McColl Christie Thomas Mark Arnold, Lloyd Chittenden
Development update:
- Kiwi planning - dashboard where you can see the current scope and status of Data Import work for Kiwi
- Current Data Import feature development dashboard and bugfix support
- Iris and Juniper release note updates
- EDIFACT invoices:
- If copying the default field mapping profile, DO NOT remove the mapping for the Vendor Reference Number field, since it will cause the import to fail. Will be fixed in Kiwi.
- Invoice files must have suffix of .edi or .inv (case insensitive). Starting in Kiwi, they should be able to have any file extension
- PTF analysis and 0-Recommended Maximum File Sizes and Configuration
- EDIFACT invoices:
- New wiki info:
- 0-Recommended Maximum File Sizes and Configuration (as of Iris Hotfix 3 and Juniper)
- Match profiles: Most commonly used
- MARC field mapping syntax table added to Field Mapping profiles: MARC
Agenda topics:
- Instance, Holdings, Item matching: Match profiles: Most commonly used
- Additional comments? Scenarios?
- Adding hotlinks to Import log
- Need to return to the scenarios for 4 August 2021 of trying to match
- Another reason for doing a match after an action - marc mod to add an 003, then match, then take further actions
- For field protections - be able to use the qualifier to determine if the field is protected
To do's
- Finish follow-up from 4 Aug 2021 DI mtg (A-M)
- Confirm Rancher environment for Data Import/quickMARC testing (Khalilah and Ann-Marie) - IN PROCESS
- Data Import FAQ updates (Ann-Marie) - IN PROCESS
- Make videos confirming the following scenarios
- For import profiles that match on Holdings or Item IDs (and doesn't need to affect the Instance), make a video showing what happens to SRS MARC (Ann-Marie)
- For a brief MARC updating the suppress status on a group of instances. What happens with the SRS MARC (A-M)
- Talk with Kimie and see if ideas for updating the UI for implicit (A-M)
- If a profile has update instance (to update cat date) which has an implicit update MARC, and also an update MARC (with implicit update instance) that has field protections, will the field protections be honored by the update instance? (A-M to check with devs)
- Most important part is 1) making sure this is clearly documented, and 2) preferably, consistent, and 3) preferably, that implicit actions are acknowledged somehow in the import profile (A-M confirm with devs and document)
- QM edit: increments
- Import MARC Modify: increments, we think
- Import MARC Update: does not increment
- Import Instance Update (implicit MARC update): increments