there will ne some non-US involvement in the group
Khalilah and Ann-Marie will also be involved, but may not be able to join the early meetings
We don't just want to think about MARC and US sources of data
Jenn: We will get more clarity on this group for goals and what the group wants to accomplish (near term and longer term goals)
everyone needs to understand why Inventory of format agnostic
wants to update diagrams
want to clarify the scope of Inventory (with updated clear diagrams of data flow and relationships)
Kiwi release planning:
teams working on stabilization
some working on test coverage
as opposed to dev of new features
want to focus on features that are still in need of work
Some POs need to be appointed where they are needed
JJ (how to we see what is targeted for Kiwi and what will be later)
final planning for this timing is still underway
Charlotte Whittwill update the MM SIG when that priority list is clarified
from chat AM (There should be a way to use the R3 Fix version to see all of them, but like Charlotte said, using that search or dashboard right now will not get accurate results, since the R3 feature list is not finalized yet)
Ballots were sent to everyone who has a FOLIO Slack account. If you are on FOLIO Slack and did not receive your ballot (check your spam/junk folders too), contact Harry K. If you consider yourself a community member and aren't on Slack, please join so you can participate in ongoing conversations and future elections.
Charlotte (via chat) - "The ballot is send out by Harry Kaplanian. But for several us it’s going into the Spam folder"
Just added as a reminder
Other updates/announcements
National Panic day
Bug Fest will go on as scheduled
Working groups or subgroups to report or update MM
UI working group will meet, maybe somebody from that group can update MM on the following thursday
Several older test rail tickets could definitely also need to be updated/improved
could be a win if SMEs could write tickets
Anton asks new testers to watch the videos to get to know testrail
CW will refine the filter so only open tickets and maybe only MM SIG POs are viewable?
There is Inventory and subfolders (by record type and maybe process)
Maybe a hands on session getting to testrail to write a testcase as a group?
also want to be aware of any UI changes
in the right pane, write the steps, also need to write what is expected from the test ( the process can be super granular if one step fails but other pass) this granularity is helpful to many
Staff suppress item (test case example drafting): (if testrail does not work, then go to the PO to submit a bug) / make sure to reference the JIRA being tested (add to preconditions)
FROM CHAT, re when permissions are a function or part of any testing preconditions (when writing preconditions where users need permissions, consideration should be made about how specific to make it. 'General edit permissions in inventory' doesn't really exist. it requires 3 permissions: Inventory: View, create, edit holdings; Inventory: View, create, edit instances; Inventory: View, create, edit items.)
UIIN 1381 :Result List: clear visual display if record is marked as staff suppressed
no DRAFT officially, but can add the word 'DRAFT' to the test case title
template (steps)
add the dev team to the test case
one can add blank steps in advance and then change the order of those as needed for the test case
leave 'type' and 'priority' as they are
Assume some contextual awareness in the production of test-cases, correct?
step 1: go to inventory and use the filter to find suppressed records
add expected result as text and a screenshot
step 2: look for icon, verify the records with suppression icon are actually suppressed
make sure each 'thing' is given its own ticket, don't add too many things to each test case
step 3:
## there is not currently a review of test cases, they are just added - though there may be a way to ask POs or SIGs or whatever to review
Laura E Danielswill create a spreadsheet of these new test cases
Reach out to Anton about testrail accounts
from chat (Default TestRail template was just changed to Steps, according to Slack)
some test cases might need to be renamed and moved, but also, we don't want to dupe anything
Need a list of the cases that need to be updated (including who write the test case and when)
PO prerogative to move test cases to Inventory root folder or somewhere else in the hierarchy
There is a QA person for Quickmark and data-import tickets?
AM is still working out those details
there are also TAGS stories mixed in
AM will add things to the spreadsheet created by LD
overview of dev and testing: the work the devs do is tracked in jira, teams work on different modules, when work is completed, jiras are closed, when a dev cycle closes, a feature story is usually being closed, then the next piece is to add a test case to make sure it works, so it can go into the next flower release after tested and passed in bugfest (usually a 2 week window), want to make sure all test cases are claimed: where tests happen, if passed, all good, if failed, then it goes to the PO for review,. If the code is wrong, then these become bugs are prioritized to be fixed for the next release. having SMEs help is new, which reduces work for POs
Anton manages all the testcase processes
join to request bugfest channel on slack (it is not public and does not come up in the normal search channels list)