How can we make sure people can sort in the interface? Principals for sorting that may work:
Currently, header can be clicked on to sort Ascending or Descending patterns. Make a column to display the information that you want to use for a sort. Building system around letting the individual staff member choose what should be shown.
Jason (Cornell) - Not worth the development effort at the moment.
Lisa (from TAMU, via chat) -
I'm not sure, but when we transfer our holdings to FOLIO for the 1st time, won't we need to keep the sort order number on the holdings/items etc. so that the items go into FOLIO the same order we have them now in current systems? ;-)
Christie and Natascha (Chicago, via chat) - What will be the default sorting for the holdings and items? We are concerned about records that have thousands of items.
"SGlover" (via chat) - "Re: sorting holdings custom sort use case... Would it be a more resonable hope that Folio might make it easier to (re)format holdings data for accurate sorting?"
Felix (via chat)- "
@christie: how is sorting of items done in your current system? We have an item count number and this works well."
Christie (via chat) - "Items are sorted by enumeration and then chronology" "holdings are sorted by location"
Ann Kardos (via chat) -
But what about consortia? At the 5 colleges, there are...well...5 of us. We are considering moving to 1 bib and multiple holdings. I may want to sort UMass holdings at the top when I'm working on something, but don't necessarily want to impose that on the other 4 colleges? Just wondering
Filip suggested an added "Prioritize in List' Feature
Filipe (via chat): "Can you assign a location to an user in system settings? It seems important."
Chicago (via chat) :"At Chicago we are more concerned with items. We have records that have tens of thousands of items and a manual sort would not work in that situation."
Duke (via chat): "
I think that filtering would be a great work around for sorting. HOWEVER, being able to customize your view is super important when people are dealing with multiple holdings records or thousands of items. Customizing a view for an individual staff user is different from customizing the display and/or sort order for a public view."
Chicago (via chat): "I think that we would prefer to have things in chronological order. We do not always receive things in chronological order."
Lisa (TAMU, via chat): "But later we are going to want to be able to rearrange them, because they don't get received in order."
Duke (via chat): "Again, filtering is a great work around for manual sorting."
Lynn Proclamation Based on Discussion: This sounds like it's important, but as long as items migrate in the order already established, it's not time sensitive for v.1