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ERM-Agreements Costs Cluster Prototype

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JIRA Tickets associated with this Report Cluster:

The JIRA ticket for this report cluster is UXPROD-2368 ERM-Agreements Costs Cluster.

Report Description Detail


  • This report is modeled on ERM-Agreements Costs Cluster, a cluster of ERM reports currently consisting of (REP-XXX, etc.). The purpose of this cluster of reports is to show cost statistics associated with ERM agreements.
  • For e-Resources stored in Inventory please see information on ERM Inventory costs  - FOLIO Wiki, Jira UXprod

DBS - Deutsche Bibliotheksstatisk:

U.S. Association of Research Libraries (ARL) survey documentation:

U.S. Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) survey documentation:

U.S. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) survey documentation:


  • How much did I pay for my agreements? e.g. e-Books
    • Output: time frame / invoice amounts
  • Rep- 68: Journals and newspaper in electronic form: costs for those (licenses) in the reporting year (REP-68 , DBS 134 , expenses)

    • Output: Amount
  • Rep-69: Other costs for journals and newspapers in electronic form, e.g. one-time purchase of backfiles (REP-69 , DBS 135, expenses)

    • Output: Amount
  • ...

Data Attributes

  • (high-level list of data fields)
  • Data Attributes will come from the following application areas: Orders, Invoices, and Agreements

Report Criteria

  • (describe report cluster parameters, criteria, filters, etc.)


-See ERM Statistics summary for report descriptions and priority.

-See  UXPROD-1264 - Calculate Statistics: Costs Per Download

Information Resources for Data Attributes


FOLIO Attribute Definition Sources

-API reference documentation for all modules located at:


-See eUsage: requirements/fields

-See the Finance Data Model

-RM-Costs Cluster Prototype FOLIO Wiki

-RM-Costs Cluster UXPROD-2255

Folio Attribute

Folio Data Element Description


Table name: erm_agreements_subscription_agreement

agreement ID

UUID of Agreement
agreement Name
A name for the agreement assigned by the institution
agreement Description
A description for the agreement assigned by the institution
reference data ID of status
ID of reference data value (mod_agreements.refdata_value.rdv_id) which describes the current status of the agreement (e.g. Active, Closed)
reference data ID of reason of closure
ID of reference data value (mod_agreements.refdata_value.rdv_id) which describes for a closed agreement, the reason the agreement has been closed (a closed agreement is one with status == "Closed" - set via sa_agreement_status)
reference data ID of renewal prio
ID of reference data value (mod_agreements.refdata_value.rdv_id) which describes whether an agreement should be renewed, reviewed or cancelled
reference data ID of "is perpetual"(mod_agreements/subscription_agreement:sa_is_perpetual)ID of reference data value (mod_agreements.refdata_value.rdv_id) which describes whether the agreement is a perpetual agreement or not
identifier of local reference
Where an agreement has been created through an integration / data import from an external system the sa_local_reference is used to store a reference/identifier for the agreement in the external system to support ongoing data synchronisation/updates
license notes of agreement
To record any general information about the license for the Agreement
ID to custom properties
ID used to link custom_properties (aka supplementary properties) via mod_agreements.custom_properties.parent_id to an agreement. (n.b. each agreement can have zero to many custom_properties)
Table name: erm_agreements_entitlement

Each entitlement is linked to one and only one agreement

Each agreement can be linked to zero to many entitlements

Each entitlement must to linked to only one resource

entitlement ID
UUID of Entitlement (aka Agreement Line)
associated agreement ID
ID of Agreement (mod_agreements.subscription_agreement.sa_id) to which the entitlement belongs

associated resource ID

ID of the resource (,, ) which the Entitlement gives access to
active from date
Date from which the entitlement was active in format yyyy-MM-dd. No time or timezone
active to date
Date to which the entitlement was active in format yyyy-MM-dd. No time or timezone
Where an entitlement gives access to a resource described in a source other than the mod_agreements internal knowledgebase, the ent_authority is a way of identifying where the definition of the resource is held Where eHoldings is being used as the source of entitlement/agreement line resources, the value of ent_authority will be one of:
reference ID of resource
Where an entitlement gives access to a resource described in a source other than the mod_agreements internal knowledgebase, the ent_reference is the ID for the resource in the source identified by ent_authority 

Where eHoldings is being used as the source of entitlement/agreement line resources, the ent_reference will be an identifier created from two or three parts, each part being an integer:

<provider id>-<package id>-<title id>

For example:

"Gale Cengage" (provider id = 18) provide a package "Academic ASAP" (package id = 34) which contains a title "Harvard Business Review" (title id = 32090)

  • the identifier for the resource "Academic ASAP from Gale Cenage" is 18-34 (this would have an ent_authority of EKB-PACKAGE)
  • the identifier for the resource "Harvard Business Review in the Academic ASAP package from Gale Cengage" is 18-34-32090  (this would have an ent_authority of EKB-TITLE)
A textual note about the entitlement
Table name: erm_agreements_order_line

Links entitlements to purchase order lines in the Orders app.

Each entitlement can be linked to zero to many purchase order lines.

Each purchase borderline can be linked to zero to many entitlements

record ID
UUID of order_line record
po-line ID
ID of purchase order line in Orders app
entitlement ID
ID of entitlement (mod_agreements.entitlement.ent_id) to which purchase order line is linked
Table name: erm_agreements_erm_resource

erm_resource is one facet of resources that can be linked to entitlements

Each erm_resource can be linked to zero to many entitlements

ERM resource ID
ID of erm_resource
resource name
Name of the resource (can be name of a package or other resource type or the title of a published work such as a book or journal)
type ID
ID of reference data value (mod_agreements.refdata_value.rdv_id) for the type of resource. Common values include "serial", "monograph", "book", "journal".
subtype ID
ID of reference data value (mod_agreements.refdata_value.rdv_id) for the subtype of resourceCommon values include "electronic" or "print".
Table name: erm_agreements_package

A package represents a group of content

Every package is an erm_resource.

Each package contains zero or more package_content_items

package ID
ID of packageThe ID of the package will appear in the erm_resource table for the erm_resource record associated with the package
provider of package ID
ID of the package provider organisation (in mod_agreements.orgs)Despite the column name, this is for the provider of the package NOT the vendor of the package
source of package
String describing the source of the package data
remote kb ID
ID of the remote knowledgebase from which the package data was obtained (in mod_agreements.remotekb)
reference to external system
ID or reference for the package in an external system
Table name: erm_agreements_package_content_item

A package_content_item represents a particular resource (book or journal title) accessible via a particular online platform sold or made available as part of a particular package

Every package_content_item is an erm_resource.

Each package_content_item belongs to exactly one package

Each package_content_item is linked to exactly one platform_title_instance

record ID
ID of the package content itemThe ID of the package_content_item will appear in the erm_resource table for the erm_resource record associated with the package_content_item
platform title instance ID
ID of the platform_title_instance that the package_content_item is linked to
package ID
ID of the package that the package_content_item belongs to
access start date
The date on which a package_content_item was first accessible in a packageIf `null` then it is assumed that the package_content_item was accessible in the package at the earliest possible data
access end date
The date on which a package_content_item was last accessible in a packageIf `null` then it is assumed that the package_content_item is still accessible in the package at the current date
Tablename: erm_agreements_platform_title_instance

A platform_title_instance represents a particular resource (book or journal title) accessible via a particular online platform.

Every platform_title_instance is an erm_resource. 

Each platform_title_instance belongs to exactly one platform

Each platform_title_instance is linked to exactly one title_instance

Each platform_title_instance is linked to zero or more package_content_items

platform title instance ID
ID of the platform_title_instanceThe ID of the platform_title_instance will appear in the erm_resource table for the erm_resource record associated with the platform_title_instance
associated platform ID
The ID of the platform that the platform_title_instance belongs to
associated title instance ID
The ID of the title_instance to which the platform_title_instance is linked
URL (mod_agreements/platform_title_instance:pti_url)The URL of the platform_title_instanceThis is the URL where the relevant resource content can be accessed
Table name: erm_agreements_platform

A platform (in Agreements) is where a resource can be accessed online. An example might be “Highwire”. Each platform_title_instance belongs to a platform

platform ID

UUID of Platform

platform name

Name/label of the platform

Table name: erm_agreements_title_instance

A title_instance represents a resource (e.g. book or journal title) Every title_instance is an erm_resource
Each title_instance is linked to a work. Multiple title_instance records can link to a single work

title instance ID

ID of the title_instance

The ID of the title_instance will appear in the erm_resource table for the erm_resource record associated with the title_instance

associated work ID

The ID of the work to which the title_instance is linked

monograph published date

For monographs (books), the date the monograph was first published in the media specified by the linked erm_resource subtype (typically “print” or “electronic”)

Equivalent to the KBART Phase II (NISO RP-9-2014) properties date_monograph_published_print and date_monograph_published_online (see

last name of first author if mono

For monographs (books), the last name of the book’s first author.

Equivalent to the KBART Phase II (NISO RP-9-2014) properties first_author (see

edition if mono

For monographs (books), edition of the book.

Equivalent to the KBART Phase II (NISO RP-9-2014) properties monograph_edition (see

volume if mono

For monographs (books), the volume number of the book

Equivalent to the KBART Phase II (NISO RP-9-2014) properties monograph_volume (see

last name of first editor if mono

For monographs (books), the last name of the book’s first editor.

Equivalent to the KBART Phase II (NISO RP-9-2014) properties first_editor (see

Table name: erm_agreements_work

A work is broadly equivalent to a BIBFRAME ‘work’ which is “the conceptual essence of the cataloged resource”. See

A work is used to link together title_instances for a single conceptual work that has been made available in different forms (e.g. print and electronic)

A work can be related to 1 or more title instances

work ID

UUID of Work


Title of the work

Table name: erm_agreements_identifier_occurrence

identifier_occurrence allows title_instances to be linked to identifiers

record ID

UUID of identifier occurrence

title instance ID

ID of title_instance which is linked to the identifier

reference ID of status

ID of reference data value (mod_agreements.refdata_value.rdv_id) which describes the status of the identifier occurrence

In the current implementation this is always “approved” and not used for any functionality

identifier ID

ID of the identifier which is ‘occurring’ against a title_instance

Table name:  erm_agreements_identifier

Each identifier has an identifier_namespace. Identifier values should be unique within a namespace

identifier ID

UUID of identifier

identifier namespace ID

ID of identifier namespace

identifier value

Value of the identifier (i.e. the identifier string)

Table name: erm_agreements_identifier_namespace

Each identifier has an identifier_namespace. Identifier values should be unique within a namespace

identifier namespace ID

UUID of identifier_namespace

namespace value

Value of the namespace (i.e. the namespace name as a string)

e.g. ISSN

Table name: erm_agreements_coverage_statement

coverage_statements are used to indicate what parts of a serial published work are available via an erm_resource

Although coverage_statements can exist on any erm_resource, typically the coverage_statement on the package_content_item is the relevant one for reporting

coverage_statements can be overridden by holdings_coverage for an entitlement

An erm_resource can have zero to many coverage_statements

coverage statement ID

UUID for coverage_statement

start issue (mod_agreements/coverage_statement:cs_start_issue)

Earliest issue of the resource available as part of this coverage

end issue

Latest issue of the resource available as part of this coverage

start volume

Earliest volume of the resource available as part of this coverage

end volume

Latest volume of the resource available as part of this coverage

resource ID

The ID of the erm_resource to which this coverage_statement applies

start date

Earliest date of publication of material from the resource available as part of this coverage

Note that this relates to the original publication date of available the material, not the date it is made available to the institution.

end date

Latest date of publication of material from resource available as part of this coverage

Note that this relates to the original publication date of available the material, not the date it is made available to the institution.

Table name: erm_agreements_holdings_coverage

holdings_coverage are identical to coverage_statements in structure but apply to an entitlement rather than a resource. They are used to make a statement about what parts of a resource are available as part of an entitlement where that differs to the normal coverage stated for the resource

An example might be where the resource has been obtained through a consortium agreement, but the specific coverage an institution gets depends on when they joined the consortium. In this case an entitlement might require a holdings_coverage record to specify the coverage the institution gets access to which is different from the coverage_statement on the resource

An entitlement can have zero to many coverage_statements

holdings coverage ID

UUID for holdings_coverage

start issue

Earliest issue of the resource linked to the entitlement available as part of this coverage

end issue

Latest issue of the resource linked to the entitlement available as part of this coverage

start volume

Earliest volume of the resource linked to the entitlement available as part of this coverage

end volume

Latest volume of the resource linked to the entitlement available as part of this coverage

entitlement ID

The ID of the entitlement to which this holdings_coverage applies

start date

Earliest date of publication of material from the resource linked to the entitlement available as part of this coverage

Note that this relates to the original publication date of available the material, not the date it is made available to the institution.

end date

Latest date of publication of material from resource linked to the entitlemente available as part of this coverage

Note that this relates to the original publication date of available the material, not the date it is made available to the institution.

Table name: erm_agreements_refdata_value
refdata_values (reference data values) are used where specific values for a field can be chosen from a limited list of values. Reference data values are grouped by refdata categories (mod_agreement.refdata_category) which define the context in which the values are used


ID for the refdata value


A string value which is used to identify the refdata value The rdv_value stays constant whereas the rdv_label can be changed, so when building filters etc. for a specific reference data value, it is better to use the rdv_value rather than the rdv_label


ID of the refdata category (mod_agreements.refdata_category.rdc_id) to which the rdv_value belongs


A string label for the rdv_valueThis is the value usually displayed to users in the Folio UI
Table name: erm_agreements_refdata_category
refdata categories (mod_agreement.refdata_category) are used to group reference data values. Values from a specific category will be used as the list of valid values for some properties
ID for the refdata category
Text string identifying the refdata categoryThis string is used to describe the context in which values from the refdata category can be used
Boolean flag indicating if the refdata category is an "internal" category or notThe list Refdata values (mod_agreements.refdata_value) belonging to an "internal" category cannot be modified via the UI except for their labels. This is used to ensure that refdata values that are required for system functionality are not edited (beyond the label) or removed.

Plus the data from the RM-Costs Cluster Prototype

  • No labels