This outline refers to this JIRA issue
A. old-fashioned way
- Install and configure Service Provider direct on the machine
- Install package from distribution repository OR
- Configure SP →
- Configure Webserver →
- At the secured webserver location place the endpoint of „mod-login“ (mod-login-saml?) that takes the submitted attributes (these are exposed in the environment variables) to map to the right user and log him/her in.
B. containerized way
Use the maintainted service provider in a container → good starting point might be this:
At this point it might be considerable to merge the remaining login logic with its APIs into the SP container or do it vice versa...
Additional considerations may be:
- - If an instances is needed to interact with multiple Identity Providers
→ - - If running multiple FOLIO instances on different URLs additional configuration and is needed
- - Implementing SLO