- UXPROD-3456Getting issue details... STATUS
- Order numbers in FOLIO can live for multiple fiscal years. Ongoing orders have a tendency to change over time and ideally users can edit things like publish and vendor reference numbers. Not knowing what the recent edit are can make orders confusing and delete old numbers etc means sacrificing historical information that could be valuable for acquisitions workflows.
Use Cases & Requirements:
Requirement | Status | Use cases |
User is shown what field was edited and when it was edited (Date and Time), in local timezone | PENDING | |
User is shown what the original value was and what new value was input | PENDING | |
User can filter through list of changes. Filtering on original value, new value or field name | PENDING | |
User is able to enter a note or reference a note such that it can be seen in the "change log" | PENDING | |
Changes tracking begins after order has been opened for the first time | PENDING | |
User can reveal what fields have been edited, if needed. | PENDING | |
Track changes made by system users. Track updates made by the order to related records. Ie. pieces or encumbrances created or deleted. | PENDING |
Proposed workflow:
Access change log
Requirements Board:
Question | Status | Conclusion | Comments |
Work Breakdown Structure:
- UXPROD-204Getting issue details... STATUS
- UXPROD-3456Getting issue details... STATUS