What do we mean when we say "looking at the impact on the Product Council from the re-architecting proposal or vision that was presented by Vince at WOLFCon 2023."
What is the state of the proposed path to Apps, Platform, etc...
Vince proposal seeks to address the "monolithic" problems of FOLIO to formally define Apps, Platform, etc...
What stage are we at? What
General discussion of how to move forward?
This proposal is the way to move forward? RFC could be rejected or accepted?
Not agreement at TC as to how to best move forward.
What is PC role in process?
What is the right way to approach this large architectural question?
Releases are big large process to put releases together.
- Product side - take a look at how we do releases going forward.
Recommendations for our group: Read back-and-forth in TC Slack: https://folio-project.slack.com/archives/CAQ7L02PP/p1694016217856909