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2021-07-22 Metadata Management Meeting notes

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please put an 'x' next to your name in the list below the "Discussion items" if you are attending. Thanks!


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on Google Drive:

Discussion items

PC update



Community Council Update - Discussion around grant proposals and how to disseminate info more broadly. This lead into discussions about communication channels and communication in general.

Software "DISCUS" and use of it  - This may be a place to have asynchronous discussions

Need a discussion monitor to be responsible for collecting and recording discussions and decisions may be useful

Technical Council update: Major focus - data synchronization. They talked about their transition planning - need for more formal voting as opposed to "lazy consensus" voting. 

Decision making was discussed for Product Council. PC will proceed with current decision making process, but in a month will review the process and make a better more formal process. 

Minutes moved from Google Doc to wiki. Agenda for upcoming meetings will no longer be coming through email, but through Slack.

Other updates/announcements

Bound-with back-end work updates

UXPROD-1241 - Getting issue details... STATUS R2 2021 (Juniper)

UXPROD-2855 - Getting issue details... STATUS R3 2021 (Kiwi)

UXPROD-3080 - Getting issue details... STATUS (Lotus - if possible)


FOLIO Roadmap: Themes

Regular Attendees

(alphabetical by first name)




Aaron TrehubAuburn

Amelia Sutton.
xAmanda Scott

Ann-Marie BreauxEBSCO
xAnn KardosUMass Amherst

Annalisa Di Sabato@Cult
xBrian ClarkUniversity of Alabama

Bob ScheierHoly Cross


Index Data

Christie ThomasChicago
xChristin Seegerthbz

Colin Van AlstineSmith (FC)

Damian Biagi

Dennis BridgesEBSCO

Dennis ChristmanDuke University

Douglas ChorpitaGoethe Uni Frankfurt

Lloyd ChittendenMarmot Library Network
     Douglas ChorpitaGoethe Uni Frankfurt

Dracine HodgesDuke University
xDwayne Swigert

Felicia Piscitelli

Felix Hemme


Jackie GottliebDuke University
xJackie MagagnoscCornell Law
xJacquie SamplesDuke University
         Janet Ewing

Jason KovariCornell
           xJeanette KalchikStanford University

Jenn ColtCornell
xJennifer EustisUMass Amherst

Jesse LambertsonUniversity of Chicago
xJessica JaneckiDuke University

Joshua BartonMichigan State

Joshua Lambert

Khalilah GambrellEBSCO
xKristin MartinUniversity of Chicago

Kristen WilsonIndex Data
xLaura DanielsCornell
        xLaura Evans
xLinda TurneyMiddle Tennessee State University

Linh Chang

Lisa FurubottenTexas A&M
xLisa McCollLehigh University

Lisa SjögrenChalmers

Lucas Mak

Magda ZacharskaEBSCO

Mark Arnold
xMartina Schildt


        Meghan Bergin

Molly DriscollEBSCO
xNancy Burford
xNancy Lorimer


xNatalie SommervilleDuke University

Natascha OwensChicago

Niels Erik Nielsen

Raegan Wiechert

Missouri States University

   Patricia RatkovichUniversity of Alabama

Patty WanningerEBSCO


Philip SchreurStanford (PC Liaison)

Raegan Wiechert

Missouri State University

xRita Albrechthebis-Verbundzentrale

Rita Lunnon

Sara ColglazierMHC/5C

Theodor Tolstoy


Tim WattersLibrary of Michigan

Tiziana Possemato@Cult

Wayne Schneider

Index Data

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