ReShare project | | Presentation of the ReShare project. A Community-owned technology infrastructure to support resource sharing. An app-based solution building upon the FOLIO core platform Sneak preview here: ________________________________ Slides: <LINK>: - ReShare is a conversation, but has not been officially announced, but may be soon (Project ReShare Launches: Community-owned Library Resource Sharing Platform Attracts Significant Contributions - Announced: 11/5/2018:
- "Applying open source as a methodology for collaboration across organizations...."
- Facilitate sharing across consortia
- Release ("Inevitable Narwhal")
- Hope to have 1st version available by Fall 2019
- 5 core resource sharing apps: Lib
- Library - Set up your own profile in a resource sharing contact, circ rules, etc.
- Holdings - Upload information from institution's catalog. If FOLIO, this could be aligned with the Inventory app.
- Requesting
- Supplying - App to look at incoming requests.
- Shipping
- How does resource sharing fold into FOLIO? This app starts to address that.
- This would be hosted by consortium. It could be used by any ILS, but more deeply integration possibilities would be available for FOLIO libraries.
- Shared index - Function is to support discovery and identification of a loan-able copy. Should FOLIO develop a consortia inventory app? What it would it have to do that local library inventory doesn't do.
- What role might inventory play? How could this stay in sync? What does a community inventory have to do that a local inventory doesn't have to do? OAI-PMH is in development to help with this? Shared catalog dynamically in sync. De-duplication is a concern.
- Synchronization with local discovery tools.
- ReShare is about creating technology to support resource sharing. How can we manage metadata across organizations?
- Interest in shared catalog is present. This is a common need.
_____________________________________________ - Bibframe? IFLA LRM - - Jacquie recommended this model for identifying a work. IFLA LRM supersedes FRBR and related models
- Getting from MARC to FRBR is difficult. MARC to BIBFRAME is more mechanical.