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Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards:

Discussion items

  • Madga has asked for examples of bad Inventory / MARC data. Please get in touch with her, if you can share examples.
  • Discovery group meeting with Khalilah every other week about API requirements. This week looked at this document: Brainstorm page for the availability interface Next meeting will be on the 15th. In particular, some discussion about how inventory holdings and items are displayed may be of interest to MM members.
  • ARLEF ( Academic Research Library Exchange on FOLIO) held a discussion on problems academic institutions are having with data import. It will be an ongoing topic for that group. Today is a data import lab and I expect there will be some discussion about this there. Meeting Agenda, Background Doc and Slides are all available now.
PC update
  • From last week's PC- discussion around Prokopovich development work and bugs- Khalilah was tasked to reassigning features and she is looking at other models for onboarding some new POs. Also she met with the National Library of Australia to find out more about the development resources they are willing to provide to the project.
    • Community Council report was that elections subgroup underway, cleaned up the documentation copyright statement changed to create commons license, and resourcing subgroup is still working hard on community resourcing
  • Today:  Aleksey Petrenko announced that the Orchid bugfest will start on Monday and 66% of the test cases have not been claimed yet. He gave a presentation on his release notes for Nolana (what I saw in his QUICK presentation less bugs and he has a video on bulk edit) and he will post that work sometime soon. It will be posted here on the wiki:  Morning Glory.  Aleksey was asking the PC for someone to help him produce these release notes complete with videos on the features included in the release. The PC will try to find someone to help Aleksey and it is an opportunity for the community to align with releases and roadmap.
  • PC started brainstorming about WolfCon in Chicago in August- ideas to have governance and other working groups meet at different times around presentations and sharing sessions. Have sharing sessions on cross app functionality, ERM and meetings with developers. Ideas to have preparation videos and "homework" before the meeting to get the most out of meeting F2F.

MM SIG Release Note & Other Highlights

Please claim test cases if you're able to :-)

Call number browse requirementsChristine Schultz-Richert 

Call Number Browse by Type ppt

  • Christine is working on MARC and call number browse in Inventory
  • UXPROD-3569 - call number browse by type
  • Options to browse by call numbers should not focus only on North American schemes. Should include global call number types
  • There is a bit confusion around the call number type "Title" and "Shelved separately", but we will look into this at a later point.einrücken
  • If type does not exist, what should happen?
    • default to "other scheme"? → no!
    • add a value "not specified" to the list of types?
    • there is already a value "no information provided", which is different from actually not having any value assigned to the property which leads to not having a call number type element in the data
    • set to "none"? Should "none" then be an option in the list or just an internal property used in the browse backend?
    • No decision, but we'd like to distinguish between "no value set" and "other scheme"
  • Should we add more types to that list? If not, what should we do for browse with values added by the libraries by themself? Should these custom types be treated as "other scheme"?
    • This is based on the fact that you need to build in normalization for each option
    • If we delete existing values from the list, it would be problematic for libraries that already use those values as call number type
  • The group is in favor of option 1: include the call number types in the index selection
  • There was a question around: should the call number type be mandatory? At the moment, it's an optional element. → No, there are reasons for not having a type, if a call number is set.
Present plans on holdings source ID and item source ID

Slidedeck: Inventory Source IDs - new property for Item Source ID

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JiraJIRA

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JiraJIRA

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JiraJIRA

  • Goal is to support flexibility around other existing metadata workflows different from the typical FOLIO-MARC workflow solution
  • Changing the source field on the instance level from being a string field to a UUID field does not include any logic around locking down or blocking fields in the instance record from editing.
  • Please reach out to Charlotte and Felix if you have questions or concerns around this proposal

MARC to Instance default mapping

MARC changes and the default map

Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) 


10:46:58 From Lloyd Chittenden To Everyone:
    How about US State docs classification?
10:47:23 From Raegan Wiechert To Everyone:
    These are based on the current list of available call number types in Folio.
10:48:05 From Raegan Wiechert To Everyone:
    So it all depends on how you class them. We put our state docs as SuDoc (i.e. all gov docs are in the same scheme)
10:48:07 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke To Everyone:
    When we are saying "holdings" are we including both holding types?  MARC and FOLIO, right?
10:48:13 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    Not sure I understand Raegan. Isn’t the call number type list in Settings with many more types that listed here?
10:48:30 From Kara Hart (she/hers) To Everyone:
10:48:38 From Raegan Wiechert To Everyone:
    There are more types, but they are not going to be worked on, at least first round.
10:49:32 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke To Everyone:
    For electronic resources, which we do not classify, or create holdings for, we would like to be able to browse the LC class from bib data, when present.
10:49:40 From Kara Hart (she/hers) To Everyone:
    could it be made an option to select the default?
10:55:09 From Lisa F. (TAMU Cat) To Everyone:
    "Not specified" ?
10:58:07 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke To Everyone:
    Type not specified sounds clear to me.  Less ambiguous.
10:58:25 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    Would the ’Is not set’ value then be populated in the detailed view as the dash we have today?
10:58:34 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
    Type not set?
10:58:40 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
    Does FOLIO sometimes use "Unspecified" like for the rda terms?
10:58:59 From Lisa F. (TAMU Cat) To Everyone:
    Type not specified as default?
11:00:04 From Christie Thomas (University of Chicago, she/her) To Everyone:
    There is a value - NO information provided, which is different from actually not having any value assigned to the property.
11:00:17 From Alessandro  To Everyone:
    "Currently not set"? Indicates that the lack of a call number is not permanent?
11:00:18 From Christie Thomas (University of Chicago, she/her) To Everyone:
    Do we need to differentiate?
11:02:05 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke To Everyone:
    I think we are asking for 2 things: Type not Specified" and also blank/null data in the  call number element.  Answering Alessandro's question
11:05:16 From Christie Thomas (University of Chicago, she/her) To Everyone:
    Reacted to "I think we are askin..." with 💯
11:06:05 From Kara Hart (she/hers) To Everyone:
    maybe in parenthesis "(NULL)" or "(blank)"
11:07:37 From Christie Thomas (University of Chicago, she/her) To Everyone:
    Maybe we care more when filtering or limiting searches.
11:07:57 From Ann-Marie Breaux To Everyone:
    It could be a nice way to find your LC call numbers that were missing their call number types!
11:08:04 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    Replying to "Maybe we care more w..."
    Interesting -- do you mean search instead of browse here?
11:08:08 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    Yes, we have tickets in Jira for filterning on Call number types
11:08:16 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Yes, we have tickets..." with 💯
11:09:24 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    UIIN-1027 - Filter item records by Call number type / The effective call number type
    UIIN-1028 - Filter holdings records by Call number type
11:09:31 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
    +1 Christie. It seems that we want to customize our searches so that we can filter or limit the search to results with no call numbers, no call number types but with call numbers, or no barcodes for instance
11:11:03 From Lisa F. (TAMU Cat) To Everyone:
    So would it be possible to have a list, and a school could select those it uses?
11:11:20 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    Will the alpha-numeric sort also take symbols and space into considerations?
11:11:31 From Kara Hart (she/hers) To Everyone:
    is this based on the fact that you need to build in normalization for each option?
11:15:14 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) To Everyone:
    Right: we need Other Scheme ...
11:16:19 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) To Everyone:
    & to also ask what Charlotte asked above: Will the alpha-numeric sort also take symbols and space into considerations?
11:16:53 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    Could there be a normalization editor in the UI?
11:17:09 From Lisa F. (TAMU Cat) To Everyone:
    Can always use 'source specified in $2"
11:17:26 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    What is commonly used in China? Should we reach out to Luzy Liu?
11:18:41 From Lloyd Chittenden To Everyone:
    CoDocs uses symbols as well.
11:20:10 From Kara Hart (she/hers) To Everyone:
    if you can multi select then you need a facet
11:20:19 From Lisa F. (TAMU Cat) To Everyone:
    note: I just looked, and source specified in $2 doesn't make sense if you are not using underlying MARC holdings, because in FOLIO holdings there is no $2 to go get the value of the different scheme.
11:20:38 From Raegan Wiechert To Everyone:
    You can only select one browse type at a time
11:20:45 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke To Everyone:
    Again, I'll say that if all other schemes are being browsed together, then the label should be "Other Schemes" not "other scheme"
11:21:27 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
    +1 Felix - given you can only select 1
11:21:50 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    +1 Felix, the approach #1 is more intuitive
11:23:00 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) To Everyone:
    + 1 with Felix
11:23:17 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
    Reacted to "+1 Felix - given you..." with ➕
11:23:43 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    Call numbers (all)
    -- call numbers, Dewey
    -- call numbers, LoC
    -- ...
11:23:52 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    Can the selection be indented?
11:24:23 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    Call number in the bib - that’s Classification type, right?
11:24:30 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
    If there is no item record, will it revert to holdings?  We don't have item records on our serials/journals just holdings records
11:24:35 From Ann-Marie Breaux To Everyone:
    And I will argue passionately against instance call numbers if we get to that convo at some point!
11:24:38 From Kara Hart (she/hers) To Everyone:
    +1 on indenting and drop redundant text
11:24:56 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke To Everyone:
    Browsing for Bib record call numbers is needed/important for some collection intelligence tasks.
11:24:59 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
    Thank you Christine
11:25:49 From Ann-Marie Breaux To Everyone:
    As long as we consider them classification and not the call numbers for our individual collections/tenants
11:28:21 From Ann-Marie Breaux To Everyone:
    I don't expect we would have a Source = MARC value for an Inventory Item record, would we? Since there's no MARC Item record format.
11:30:56 From Ann-Marie Breaux To Everyone:
    I don't need answers to questions in the mtg, but I figured I would at least put them here, in case they help with clarifications or FAQs. Does the Instance source K10Plus trigger any lockdown of fields in the Instance, like Source = MARC does? Or is it mainly for informational purposes?
11:33:17 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    @Ann-Marie: no, there are no lockdowns to fields in the instance record yet, but that is desired functionality and we already have an open ticket for some time.
11:33:44 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke To Everyone:
    @Ann-Marie, there are fields/subfields in the MARC holding where the Item record information can be recorded.  So, we "could" import item records along with MARC holdings.
11:35:44 From Ann-Marie Breaux To Everyone:
    Good to know @Jacquie Definitely needs further convo and investigation, before committing to it, especially since so many items are also populated via MARC Bib 9xx and 0xx fields
11:36:33 From Ann-Marie Breaux To Everyone:
    @Felix good to know (about lockdowns) - thank you!
11:44:42 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke To Everyone:
    I feel that consistency across the record types is very important in terms of sources.
11:44:49 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
    Reacted to "I feel that consiste..." with 💯
11:44:54 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
    Reacted to "I feel that consiste..." with 💯
11:46:27 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) To Everyone:
    Charlotte & Felix, would this also be a first step in paving the way for other types of records coming into FOLIO Inventory, like from/for Archives etc
11:46:31 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) To Everyone:
11:47:40 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    Yes, that would be the goal
11:48:18 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    E.g. DC (Dublin Core) as Instance Source ID
11:48:18 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    Replying to "?"
    Yes, you can ingest data from those sources right now, when defining a appropriate source name/uuid. The challange is to assembly a pipeline including mappings that puts those metadata into mod-inventory-storage.
11:48:22 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) To Everyone:
    Reacted to "E.g. DC (Dublin Core..." with 👍
11:50:15 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) To Everyone:
    Oh, Ann-Marie, this is just the info/page for something I was trying to figure out today! What weird timing! Thankyou!
11:50:51 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    Maybe a page we should have in the user documentation?
11:51:22 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Maybe a page we shou..." with 💯
11:52:09 From Jenn & Laura (Cornell) To Everyone:
    Replying to "Maybe a page we shou..."
    or a link to it from the docs
11:56:33 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) To Everyone:
    I like it!
11:57:12 From Joshua Barton To Everyone:
    Will both spreadsheet and this page be maintained, then? Both will be authoritative?
11:58:04 From Jenn & Laura (Cornell) To Everyone:
    need to sign off a few minutes early -- thanks all
12:02:05 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke To Everyone:
    I have to leave for another meeting.  Thanks to all the presenters! and to you all for the great discussions.
12:02:38 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    Thank you for the update Ann-Marie
12:04:34 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) To Everyone:
    yes, I noticed the Mode of Issuance one, too