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Chat:   meeting_saved_chat.txt

Transcript:   meeting_saved_closed_caption.txt

Discussion items

1 min. afterHousekeepingDung-Lan
2 min. afterCreation of video contentDennis
  • First came up in PO meeting. 
  • A lot of people find video content helpful.
  • Identify key functions that it would be useful to have a short video on.
  • Maybe people from this group could work on that list of videos or we could put aside a portion of meetings to talk through this as a larger group.
  • Have their been any videos regarding acquisitions functions?
    • Dennis has a few larger demo videos.
    • Different apps have changed more recently.
  • 2-5 min. videos
    • e.g. how to open an order, approve an invoice, etc.
  • ~9 min. after - Discussion about libraries that have already made videos.
    • How Cornell Law Library has made videos.
    • Comments from many that videos previously made are already out of date.
  • From Julie Stauffer to Everyone 12:11 PM
    I think it would be important to distinguish between performing a task in FOLIO rather than an entire workflow which could be different from library to library
  • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:12 PM
    It's important to indicate on the title of video which release of the video was made for
  • Shorter videos would be easier to update / exchange with new videos.
  • Production value doesn't have to be perfect to be useful.
  • Two ways to come up with original list:
    • Option 1: Get a group together
    • Option 2: Put aside time in meetings together
  • Will be put to a vote in Slack.
  • From Virginia Martin to Everyone 12:20 PM
    should this be coordinated with the group working on documentation?
    • Yes. Should not be siloed. 
24 min. after

Demo of Univ. of Chicago request/notification workflow

Kristin Martin
  • Demo in test system for FOLIO Juniper
    • Chose open order > POL > Inventory link from title
    • In Inventory record > select item (doesn't have a barcode) > new request
    • Requester look-up - looks up user 
    • Pickup service point
    • Request is in place.
    • Back in POL > Actions > Receiving
    • *If they know about request at time of creating order would also add a receiving note. The way FOLIO works this may be a bit redundant now.
    •  In receiving says "Yes" under request column.
    • Once received, indicates that there is a request. Does not say who made the request.
    • In item record there is a link to the request. Not easy to see.
    • Have a hot pink streamer where they put that it is a hold, etc.
    • Once it goes over to circ that is where they print the official hold slip.
  • ~ 32 min. after. Discussion about field in POL: "requester."
    • Requester field is just a text field.
    • Have talked about integrating with requests app.
    • What you see in receiving is
    • based on actual requests in the request app.
    • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 12:34 PM
      Aren’t there privacy issues if you enter the patron’s name in a data element that is retained?
    • From Lisa Smith to Everyone 12:34 PM
      Mich State is using the POL requestor field for the Acq person(s) who has searched and/or placed the order.
    • From Dennis Bridges to Everyone 12:35 PM
      This is the feature that covers creating requests based on POL information
      Jira Legacy
  • ~ 39 min. after. Discussion about libraries' workflows using paper streamers.
  • May be libraries where printing is faster, but in other libraries may be easier to just add to a piece of paper.
    • Important to show request information to user. (Whether printing or not.)
46 min. afterStaff slips and work slipsDennis
47 min. afterExport fund and budget information ledgerDennis
  • Export fund and budget information for ledger
  • Why would you be motivated to export your finance information, specifically whether you need transaction data or just the summary totals for your budgets?
    • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 12:49 PM
      I think summary totals
    • From Ann Crowley to Everyone 12:49 PM
      I would be looking for summary data also
    • From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 12:50 PM
      We need summary data and transaction data for different approaches.
  • ~50 min. after. Workflow walkthrough
  • Assumption is you would now want this to include expense class information.
    • In CSV file would see a row for every unique fund and expense class combination.
    • Will allow you to see all of the financial activity per expense class.
    • Could potentially give export option of whether to include expense classes or not.
  • ~ 56 min. after. Detail that exists at each tier. (Fund Level, Budget Level, Expense Class Level)
    • If all of this is being exported, would have two rows for expense class level, but same values at Fund level and Budget level.
  • From Lisa Smith to Everyone 12:57 PM
    Can vendor invoice information be included with the finance exports?
  • From Lisa Smith to Everyone 01:01 PM
    I need to be able to export POL, fund and invoice details all together.

Action items
