Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022) Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings
Requirements details Here Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot
Attendees: Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) Lynne Fors Jennifer Eustis Taylor Smith Lisa Smith Autumn Faulkner Monica Arnold Christie Thomas Jeanette Kalchik Jenn Colt Raegan Wiechert
Current development (Orchid)
- Orchid import planning dashboard
- Poppy import planning dashboard
- Poppy timeline
- Folijet Current Development Board
- Folijet (Data import) Bug Dashboard
- Announcements
- Orchid data import is done
- Starting Poppy development work this week
- Log subgroup work
- Finish discussion of the background slides that we looked at briefly last week; finalize requirements
- A-M discussing with designer and devs
- Topics from last week:
- Is it possible to add info (like UUIDs) for what the multiple matches are?
- Per devs, yes
- Need to decide on a max (10?) and then a generic message (e.g. too many results to display) if more than that; should be able to show the exact count
- May not be able to display UUIDs all the time, if weird match problem
- Can we change the SRS MARC column to be - if the MARC record is not retained after the job is complete? (e.g. only creating an order or updating an item) See as an example
- Devs will be investigating during Poppy:
- Implicit vs explicit
- Discussed some options with Kimie, but currently we're not able to distinguish implicit vs explicit on the BE
- Maybe add the action profile name at the top of the JSON screen?
- A-M still needs to ask devs
- Link from the log to the batch of records created/updated in Inventory, Orders, Invoices
- Per devs, would require significant Inventory development; Inventory records are not aware of which import jobs created/updated them, so they are not aware of which import log they are related to
- A-M: pull the notes from the slide deck and clean up the slide deck
- Is it possible to add info (like UUIDs) for what the multiple matches are?
Upcoming meetings/agenda topics:
- Misc
- Discuss/review mockups for MARC updates refinements
- POL/VRN matching
- For invoices, we only consider open POs
- For Instance, Holdings, Items, we currently (Orchid and before) only consider open POs. Should we change the Inventory matching logic to allow matching on closed POs as well?
Jira Legacy server System JiraJIRA serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key MODDATAIMP-769
- Deleting outdated versions of SRS records
- Can we define a cutoff date? 90 days ago? 1 year ago?
- Different for records that are used during import and then not consulted again? (e.g. EDIFACT invoices, MARC bibs that only create/update orders, holdings, items)
- Effects on the import log
- Can we define a cutoff date? 90 days ago? 1 year ago?
- OCLC number cleanup
- Confirm 035 structure, aim for it to be consistent across all FOLIO tenants
- Downloading log info
- Lots of interest, especially for errors
- Including identifiers for everything
- What would UI look like?
- What would output look like?
- Variation between PTF and production library performance results - why?
- Revisit use cases for Updating individual MARC fields - what are the most common use cases?
Lisa Smith - Mich State to Everyone 1:01 PM
Already had some!
Lynne Fors to Everyone 1:18 PM
I think so
Autumn Faulkner (she/her) to Everyone 1:18 PM
Lisa Smith - Mich State to Everyone 1:18 PM
A hyperlink would be nice, with all results
Jenn Colt to Everyone 1:21 PM
I think for non consortium smaller will probably work
Lisa Smith - Mich State to Everyone 1:23 PM
+1 Christie
Christie Thomas (University of Chicago, she/her) to Everyone 1:23 PM
+1 Jenn
Autumn Faulkner (she/her) to Everyone 1:31 PM
YES! love this suggestion
can't keep my APs straight any more lol
Jenn Colt to Everyone 1:31 PM
And you have to back way out to see the profile name
Taylor Smith to Everyone 1:31 PM
that would be great
Lisa Smith - Mich State to Everyone 1:31 PM
Yes, like this suggestion!
Autumn Faulkner (she/her) to Everyone 1:32 PM
oh yeah, I'm into a link to the AP profile too
Jennifer Eustis to Everyone 1:32 PM
Jenn Colt to Everyone 1:34 PM
Yes that has always looked like it should be a link!
jeanette kalchik to Everyone 1:35 PM
What would happen if you changed the profile after you ran the job? It would go to the most current profile?
Lynne Fors to Everyone 1:36 PM
I was wondering that too, Jeanette
Jennifer Eustis to Everyone 1:37 PM
My understanding is that it goes to the most current profile
jeanette kalchik to Everyone 1:38 PM
Is it possible on the summary screen to have the Job ID?
Lynne Fors to Everyone 1:49 PM
I think it's definitely a need for the future that shouldn't get lost or forgotten
Kimberly Wiljanen to Everyone 1:49 PM
Lynne Fors to Everyone 1:50 PM
Libraries migrating to Folio from Alma are used to that feature
Jenn Colt to Everyone 1:55 PM
That would be amazing
Lynne Fors to Everyone 1:55 PM
Bulk Edit you can download your initial file
Lynne Fors 1:56 PM
even from weeks ago
Jennifer Eustis to Everyone 1:56 PM
Actions …
like in bulk edit
Jenn Colt to Everyone 1:56 PM
The other thing is if you are loading via the API you never have something in a file so if you can’t see the parsed JSON record you just have nothing
What if Marc modifications are part of the job?
Lynne Fors to Everyone 2:00 PM
Maybe if the records it wasn't created the tab in the JSON is greyed out?
Jenn Colt to Everyone 2:01 PM
That sounds good too