50 min
| PC Evaluation Process for New FOLIO Functionality - Intro for new members | Kristin Martin Alexis Manheim
| The PC piloted and adopted a new Evaluation Process for New FOLIO Functionality in 2023-24. Kristen Kristin will provide an overview of the process. Discussion to follow regarding reminding the Community that this process exists, clarifying what functionality needs to be reviewed, coordinating with the TC and CC, etc. PC approved this pilot process in May 2nd, 2023 and reviewed pilot in Feb 28th, 2024 review dashboard: https://easyretro.io/publicboard/upBxQMrG7FZiIsCVSdEHUhZXbRv1/8974e786-ac3c-4dec-bdbc-b61590199880 process' goal: evaluate and support new functionality the goal is not to block anything! focus: goal of discussion today: move process out of pilot phase Functionality Evaluated by the PC so far ideally PC can have discussions before development begins Jeremy: does this process support teams that add functionality to existing functionality no, this should be done in the relevant work space/SIG PC welcomes discussions, though PC differentiates between the need for communication vs. an official review
Jennifer Eustis: that clarifies that e.g. binding as new functionality added to existing apps is not in focus of this process Charlotte in chat: Regarding: What this process does not cover: The statement about retroactive assessment of existing modules, does that then mean: if an app’s code-base is re-written using a different coding language, and no new functionality is introduced, then this app is not to undergo a second PC review? Kristin: this would rather need to go to TC as a technical change Brooks and Lucy agree if in doubt, bring it additionally to the PC
Charlotte in chat: We could maybe check with the Product owners if they think a check list would be helpful. Jennifer Eustis: Getting the word out is important especially for functionality that is cross app Charlotte: If no need for a checklist then I’m all for Jennifers idea about we simply use this wiki page as our guidelines Check with POs on their needs related to the app evaluation process PC tries to track development via dashboards In the Release notes, there will be information about if an app is new > that should help as well
Outcomes of this discussion: The pilot phase has come to an end - the PC process is now official and approved We should emphasize the need to capture new epics and UXPRODS in the Community Jira before active development begins PC will from a subgroup that defines improvements to the process - using the Reading Room app as an example
Tasks - Check with POs on their needs related to the app evaluation process
- Check whether we track all needed development on dashboards used by PC to inform us
- Form a subgroup to improve the process using the Reading Room app as an example