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Attendees (



Ann Crowley

Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)


Peter Sbrzesny

Sabrina Bayer

Sara Colglazier

Scott Perry

Scott Stangroom


Suzette Caneda



New Business 

  1. EDIFACT order export questions from development 
  2. Discuss display on item vs. a display acq info on instance feature. Ref https://issuesfolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/browse/UXPROD-1995
  3. Discuss processing invoices against previous years

Old Business  (Parked for later) 

Receive on approval of invoice –   UXPROD-3227

Discussion items


Agenda Items Dennis Bridges
  • EDIFACT Order - Questions from the development team
  • Displaying acq information in Inventory 
  • Revisiting discussion about copy number, enumeration, and chronology on
  • piece records.
3 min. after

Export FOLIO orders in EDIFACT Format

Dennis Bridges
  • Export FOLIO orders in EDIFACT format
  • Something that has come up with developers: we’re going to display the export summary info for each order on POL similar to voucher & invoice line.
  • Idea is to have order export details appear on POL.
  • If this particular order line is included on a certain export file, sent out by EDI 3 days ago with 10 other orders, is it valuable to be able to download that file from the order interface. Could it be problematic to have many users able to download? Would be EDI files in this case because that is how it is being exported. Is it necessary?

From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone:  12:06 PM

I can't think of any reason why we may need to do this.

  • Would imagine that not many users would have any interaction with the actual EDI files that are created even in troubleshooting some issue. Is that true?
    • Dung-Lan Chen: Yes. Only person doing this for Skidmore and would be the one troubleshooting though may delegate to someone else if away.

From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone:  12:07 PM


  • Might make more sense if the user was able to use this to navigate to the log rather than download a file from here. Hyperlink to that log entry and then decide whether you reupload, download, or look at additional details.
  • Will have an area with export log.

Image Added

  • Does that seem reasonable?
    • Peter Sbrzesny: Reasonable. Would like to see that the status of the EDI order displays on the POL so that you can see at a glance whether it has been successful or not. Would be enough to have the link and can take action in the other menu.
  • If your POL is included in one of those files then you would see these export details. If for some reason you did not have it set correctly (account # was wrong etc.) and not included in export then that POL would not have export details. But it's possible it was included in the file, but that the file never made it to FTP. That is the use case we are looking at here where you might want to reupload it. (e.g. Vendor contacts and says they didn’t receive it). Might want to download or reupload. May look for orders from yesterday and see in export details the actual file details. Might have a status that upload failed. Click this link and it would take you to the log where you could troubleshoot why it did not go.
    • Ann-Marie: Is the intent that you resend the whole file? Not individual POs from file?
    • Dennis: Correct, resending everything that was part of that export.
    • Ann-Marie: Definitely happens that we need a resend. On GOBI side, acknowledge receipt within about 10 minutes. Once received and processed generates an email back to library that it was processed or that there was a problem. If nothing received within 10-15 minutes, ask that library check with customer service because order not received.
  • Dennis: With respect to permissions, should anyone be able to see the export files? 
    • Dung-Lan: I don’t think this needs to be protected. Anybody should be able to see.
    • Scott Perry: Agree. Viewing is not a problem.
    • Sara Colglazier: People should be able to see them. Maybe not edit.

From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone: 12:19 PM

In our current system only admins can see the export files and that works pretty good. But it does notnNeed to be secret.

  • Have until file is created to indicate that you want order to be part of export. Once included don’t want it to be exported again. Unless you explicitly resend or indicate that it should be resent?
  • Might actually want to include on second export file. Maybe vendor has changed. Originally sent out last year. This year coming back to that order and saying I need this exported again because the vendor changed. Will be included in a different export file. Is this something that rarely happens?

From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone: 12:26 PM

In case of a change of vendor I would create a new order.

    • Ann-Marie: Most libraries would cancel or close the order from one dealer and create new order for other.
  • Dung-Lan Chen: If we decided we need to resend file to different vendor, wouldn’t we have to compile a new file?
    • Dennis: That's exactly right.
  • Dennis: What I’m wondering now, is it possible you have a single order already sent on a file in the past, but for whatever reason you may want to send on a new export? Maybe new vendor. You’re keeping PO #. Maybe ongoing order and you want to keep that information.

From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone:  12:33 PM

If it's a new order and a new vendor, then the order would be sent based on the settings for the new vendor

Maintaining an existing, ongoing PO that changes vendors - would people expect to be sending new ongoing orders via EDI? My feeling is that ongoing orders tend to be non-EDIFACT

  • Julie Stauffer: Would not want reopening order to make changes to automatically send an export. Would want it to be intentional and a choice.
  • Exporting order in a second file should require explicit instruction from a user.

  • How are the export dates managed? What will be the start and end date of each export?
  • Natalya Pikulik: Order standing orders every day. Vendor code and # of first PO on the file. Every time the file name will be unique.
  • Frist scenario, let’s say you have decided today that there is an old order you want to send again on a new export. Second scenario, missed an order. For whatever reason was not set to export. Go to edit that order, check the export box. My assumption is that you would then want it to be part of today’s export?
  • Natalya: We will have an option which orders we are choosing, orders created yesterday or today. Will highlight and click send via EDI.
  • Natalya: Will give error message if already generated or sent.

From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone: 12:41 PM

We do not check DATE created but the STATUS of an order (created, sent, error …).

  • Ann-Marie: Is that what most folks are doing? Or are there cases where system is doing this for you maybe on schedule or on demand?
    • Peter: In our system not the date on which sending depends, but status of the EDI order. Order created days ago, but sent the next time job is running.
      • Ann-Marie: Are you selecting?
      • Peter: System does it. We do not select manually. Have the opportunity to send once when created. Sending EDI orders as emails.
      • Dennis: So you can send it immediately?
      • Peter: Yes. We already do that because it works better than the batch process.
      • Dennis: Often will just create order, open, and send?
      • Peter: Yes, but if we would use a batch process and maybe one day it did not work, the system will check for orders that have not been sent yet.
  • Ann-Marie: Is it more common that system gathers up everything and sends it on schedule or is it more common where you see a list of everything and pick and choose what will go?
    • Dung-Lan Chen: In Voyager under orders tab when you have an order ready to send, choose to queue for EDI. Then in Voyager have to go into EDI tab to give file a name and then ready to be sent. Actual sending to the vendor is from a script system librarian wrote. At 5 o’clock every day will run and send to vendor.
    • Ann-Marie: If you do not give it a name will it just sit?
    • Dung-Lan Chen: Yes. Will add name as soon as possible and then it will send.
    • Ann-Marie: Is there a reason you would want it like that vs. automated that it just goes?
    • Dung-Lan Chen: I think if I can bypass that, it would be fine.
  • Dennis: Maybe still have a few things to discuss but going to move on with last few minutes.

48 min. afterCopy Number, Enumeration, and Chronology in ReceivingDennis Bridges
  • At the moment when we are receiving in this new world we’re displaying enumeration and chronology.
  • Initial plan was to take caption field and replace with enumeration. Then added chronology. After that happened had discussion about keeping the caption field for monograph orders where you might have copy number not enumeration. Then looking at connection between piece and item.
    • In the item record, no caption. There is enumeration and chronology. Also a copy number field.
    • If we are keeping the caption field, is it appropriate to populate copy number with that caption information?
    • Is it logical to create more alignment between the piece record and the item? Meaning we might use copy number? Would populate the item with copy number field. If we leave as caption, is it maybe not as good of a user experience?
    • Julie: If anything from a piece is going to populate something in item record the name should match. Don’t want people to guess where it might show up in the item record.
      • +1 to Julie from Kristin Martin
  • Does it make sense to have caption or copy number or both and enumeration and chronology?
    • Julie: Can’t speak for other libraries, but we rarely purchase multiple copies at one time. For a single volume monograph generally do not think we would have caption information. Definitely in pieces for serials would only want to see enumeration and chronology.
      • +1 to Julie from Dung-Lan Chen
    • Sara: When I look at my item can see all those fields and depending on what I am doing know which one to fill out. Copy number mainly comes up for monographs, but can happen for a serial. Seems like I am seeing things in isolation. Might need to see the pattern created on the other one to know what to use.
      • (If they were ordered on different orders at different times)
      • Would likely have to go into inventory to see how many copies you already have.
  • Dennis: Would it be valuable to have copy number in Edit Piece? Maybe it is not the highest priority for everyone but would occasionally use this field in receiving?
  • Julie: Would it be synchronized with what is already in inventory?
    • Dennis: Yes, if it were copy number makes perfect sense to synchronize.
    • Changing in Inventory would then update in Receiving. Will stay in sync between the two records.
  • Has anyone been doing a lot of receiving and is really interested in what we plan to do with that caption field information?
  • Dennis will write something up for Slack to get comments:
    • “If we replace the piece "Caption" field with copy number, enumeration and chronology. Which of those new fields should be populated with your current piece Caption field information?”

Action items
