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Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022)                   Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings

Requirements details Here                                                                    Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot

Attendees: Ryan Taylor Autumn Faulkner, Jennifer Eustis, Raegan Wiechert, Tess Amran, Whitney Christopher, Sara ColglazierYael Hod, Lynne ForsKim Wiljanen

Notetaker:  Christie Thomas



TopicWhoMeeting NotesRelated JiraDecisions and Actions


Ramsons buffets has started. 

New bug reported by Autumn Faulkner.

MSU tried a job profile to remove the $f from an 050, and the remove command deleted the contents of the $f but not the subfield delimiter code. Autumn is testing this between Poppy and Quesnelia to see if this is new behavior

Prioritization request from Product Council. (Announcement from Jennifer Eustis) Discussions taking place in MM SIG meetings.

New Documentation: OCLC 035 Normalization for InstancesRyan

OCLC 035 Normalization for Instances

New documentation available on the wiki. Functionality is being introduced in Ramsons. 

Q: Will there be a script to clean up existing duplicates? Not for Ramsons, but could see if the team could put something together in the future. 

Q: Specific to data import and single record import, or will it impact records when saved in QuickMarc? Just for data import and single record import. Ryan will check on behavior when saving a record in QuickMarc. 

Q: Why are we keeping the $z in the 035s for OCLC records? From the production team's perspective, we did not want to make the call for an individual institution since institutions may have different local practices for the 035$z and 019 fields. 

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Documentation Discussion: Identify gaps/needs


Spreadsheet for tracking documentation needs:

Lref gdrive file

Continue to fill in details. It is useful to include what information is on the wiki and what does not as a place to start when adding new documentation. 

Process in place to get documentation stood up on This effort is being led by Alissa Hafele. 

If at any point you are working something and it is not clear how it should work, add it to the list and Ryan will make sure that we get some coverage for it. 

Jennifer Eustis has been adding pages for data import related tickets for each release. Data Import Detailed Release Notes & Functionality

Review Topics Tracker


Data Import Implementers Topic Tracker

  • Jira Issues for Sunflower added to the Sunflower Release page on Tips & Tricks
  • 2 Jira Issues Not yet prioritized for a flower release
    • Jira Legacy
      serverSystem Jira
      . Add ability to export as CSV for logs.
    • Jira Legacy
      serverSystem Jira
      . Swap subprofiles without creating entire job
  • Open issues not yet discussed in WG
    • Log Enhancement Requests:
      • Add date and start/stop running date and times to the summary log page request from Lab
      • Data Import log does not provide reason for No Action status.

Jennifer split out the topic tracker issues to put the closed issues on a separate table. The table at the top of the page includes the open issues. 

Will likely be looking at Trillium or Umbrellaleaf for 914 / 4935. 

General agreement that it would be useful to have start / stop dates and times on the log page itself - above the summary at the top. 

General agreement that it would be useful to have more information about the reason for no action when the reason is not an error. 

It was also pointed out that No record is a simply vague message that requires improved messaging. 

Maybe do some brainstorming about the best approach to error / log messaging for the future. 

Ryan would like to do an error audit at some point and make sure that the errors are legible and help with troubleshooting. 

Hyperlink the summary information to bring up a report of all of the errors / no action. This would not require looking up individual titles. 

Would also help with troubleshooting and identifying trends. 

Another log oddity that has been observed where no action was reported out with an error message, but the records were updated.

Notes from previous meetings...
