Aaron Neslin, Corrie Hutchinson, Daniel Huang, Dennis Bridges, Dung-Lan Chen, Dwayne Swigert, Emily Robertson, Hansie Grignon, Joe Reimers, Kathleen Norton, Kayla Valdivieso, Kimberly Pamplin, Kimberly Smith, Kristin Martin, Lisa Maybury, Lisa Smith, Lucinda Williams, Masayo Uchiyama, Nina Stellman, Okay Okonkwo, Peter Breternitz, Peter Sbrzesny, Rhonda Fuhrmann, Sara Colglazier, Sven Thomsen, Timothy Nelson, Victoria Anderson, Winter White
Housekeeping -
- Expects a shorter meeting today as PO is only available for the first half of the meeting
- Seeking topics for this Friday's meeting (August 4)
Business -
- Discuss Implementers Topics - #93 (Kristin Martin ), #96 ( Molly Driscoll Josh Roberts), #98 & #99 (Kristin Martin )
PC Update (Kristin Martin ) -
- Mostly WOLFcon planning. Will be meeting F2F Friday, August 25.
- 2023-07-13 Product Council Meeting Notes
- Review of critical service patch process
- SIG liaisons updated
- review of AWS costs (from TC)
- 2023-07-25 Product Council Meeting Notes
- WOLFcon planning
- Updates from councils and Support SIG tagging bugs
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
Housekeeping | Dung-Lan |
| |
:06 | Implementers' Topics #93 | Dennis Bridges, Kristin Martin |
Andre Hohmann | |||