Requirement | Status | Use Cases |
(SAMPLE) Library must be able to generate a report indicating the total value of all pending orders without impacting actual orders or encumbrances | | Acquisitions librarian wants to know "at a glance" the value of orders in "pending" status in the broader context of funds available, encumbered and spent. |
Report must be accessible on demand, with minimal delay. | | Nearing the end of the fiscal year, a librarian needs to know how much money remains unspent as well as how much money would become encumbered if pending orders were to be opened/approved in order to manage annual budgets appropriately |
| Librarians create orders in pending status with purchase decisions to be made based on available funds at the end of (final days of) the fiscal year. Librarians need near real-time information concerning funds available and potential funds expenditures in order to meet hard FY deadlines. |