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  • Reminder - we’ll meeting this Friday, March 11

Business –

Chat: meeting_saved_chat.txt


1 min. afterHousekeepingDung-Lan
  • Meeting this Friday, 3/11
  • Guest from Germany will talk to us about staff slips.
  • Agenda will be posted as soon as finalized.
3 min. afterAllow User to Preview Batch Voucher Export DetailsDennis
  • Access outside of system settings where you can run exports and review previous exports. Also ability to download.
  • Allow User to Preview Batch Voucher Export Details
  • Example screenshots through Miro:
    • Possible to move into Export manager, but based on use-case seems like it would make sense to have access through Invoices app.
    • Click actions menu above result list.
    • Will take you to full screen view where you will select which batch group.
    • Would see all previous exports and have ability to run manual export.
  • Would you still want to be able to see invoices while doing this? (Use of modal)
    • No response.
  • From Bethany Blankemeyer to Everyone 12:09 PM
    We don't do exports to AP in our department so I can't speak to this workflow.
  • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:09 PM
    Accessing this from the Action menu within Invoices makes more sense than doing it from Settings
10 min. after

Searching Invoices by Amount

  • Would it make more sense to have a range filter for amount when searching invoices?
  • Use case: Have invoice in hand with specific amount and want to search $120.20, etc. Will return all invoices with this amount.
  • When searching like this, is there a use case where you are trying to find an invoice where the total in FOLIO may not be correct?
    • From Scott Perry to Everyone 12:13 PM
      Or I want to see all invoices over some amount
    • From Lloyd (Marmot Library Network) to Everyone 12:13 PM
      Seems like wildcards would be useful
    • From Kimberly Wiljanen to Everyone 12:13 PM
      It's possible that you might know the amount but not the invoice #
~17 min. afterFiltering by fund code (Implementer's Topic # 29)Dennis
  • Discussion transitioned from previous topic.
  • From Ann Crowley to Everyone 12:15 PM
    I don't usually search by amount often, but would find it helpful to search by fund
    • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:15 PM
      +1 Ann - That's listed on the Implementers Wiki page as #29 (a filter by fund code)
    • From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 12:17 PM
      A filter by fund code would be very useful
  • Also interest in filtering by expense class.
  • From Scott Perry to Everyone 12:19 PM
    Yes to expense class as well
  • From Bill Verner to Everyone 12:19 PM
    filtering by fund code would be, in my opinion, much more useful than being able to search by amount
21 min. afterImplementer's Topics # 28: Invoices and Receiving: Display vendor code
  • Cannot Would like to see vendor code in these apps.
    • From Bethany Blankemeyer to Everyone 12:23 PM
      Thank you, Julie. Vendor code is MUCH more important to us at Duke.
    • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:23 PM
      + about Code--really important
    • From Bethany Blankemeyer to Everyone 12:24 PM
      Everywhere vendor name is, we would like vendor code as well
    • From Kimberly Wiljanen to Everyone 12:24 PM
      We have many subaccounts with individual companies and we treat them differently
    • From Bill Verner to Everyone 12:25 PM
      absolutely would prefer the code before the name
  • Vendors will change their names, but don't always change code. 
    • For continuity, helpful to see the code.
  • ~ 28 min. Discussion about modal vs. filterable select list. 
    • Would be great if you could type in some letters of a code.
    • Something like what is used for Fund ID. (List format)
      • List can be large and browsing is not great.
      • Will not have filter options.
    • Sara: Having more information seems crucial for vendor. More complex than fund codes.
    • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:33 PM
      Ideally, the user would have the ability to either type in the code (with the smart drop down) OR do a full-scale lookup.  Can't we have it all? :)
    • Can vendor name at the top be made a bit darker/more noticeable?
  • Consensus that code should be displayed alongside name.
  • ~38 min. Discussion about code search. 
    • Can search modal by vendor code.
    • Talk at one point about if there was one search returned if it should automatically be selected.
      • This is not widely implemented
    • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:41 PM
      I would not like that automatic population ... if I type something slightly wrong and then an UMass Vendor gets selected and I do not realize it ... not good

In Agreements the 3rd pane opens automatically if only one result gets returned, but is different than something getting selected as an input

  • Discrepancy: filter label in Invoices is "vendor name" where orders app filter label is "vendor." 
44 min. afterImplementer's Topics # 30: Organizations: Add "note" column to Contact People accordionDennis
  • Add note from contact record as a column in the detail pane.
  • Trying to save clicks by displaying information in result list.
47 min. afterImplementer's Topics # 31: Organizations: Make URI/URL link clickable in the interfacesDennis
  • Already changed for interface, contact details, etc. - Part of Lotus release.
  • Would be useful in other apps as well, is this only in Organizations or is it across FOLIO?
    • Believe it is specific to Organizations app.
    • Each app would need to implement if desired.
51 min. afterImplementer's Topics # 32: Invoices: Lock total checkboxDennis
  • Would like to default lock total as on.
  • Can choose in field mapping profile whether it is checked for EDIFACT invoices.
  • From Scott Perry to Everyone 12:55 PM
    I'd rather have a machine confirm the totals than rely on someone reading.
  • Consensus to default to true.
  • If possible might be helpful to have this configurable in Settings.
