Browse call numbers by call number type (UXPROD-4327 & UXPROD-3569)
Description: Within Inventory Browse, new browse options have been added to browse and sort call numbers by specific types. For this iteration, the following options are available for browsing:
recalculate based on call-number type specified in a record
recalculate for NLM and SuDoc call-numbers
See script details: https://wikifolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/REL/Poppy+%28R2+2023%29+Release+Notes#Poppy(R22023)ReleaseNotes-ChangesandRequiredActions
Advanced search modal (UXPROD-4424)
Description: In the Inventory Search & filter pane, a new button was added to open the Advanced search modal. This modal allows you to combine search queries using boolean operators, as well as the following search types:
Actions required: None
Relevance sorting (UXPROD-4200)
Description: There is a new option to sort Inventory results by relevance. This sorting uses the Okapi BM25 algorithm, which takes into account the following factors:
Single record automated linking (UXPROD-3874)
Description: Added the ability to automatically link MARC bibliographic headings to an authority record when the user selects the “Link headings” button in the quickMARC UI of a MARC bibliographic record. This functionality requires the presence of an $0 subfield containing the authority record control number or standard number to match to the authority record heading.
This is not a batch feature and currently only supports single record automated linking
No string match support
New permission: quickMARC: Can Link/unlink authority records to bib records
Tenant-level setting to enable/disable automated linking by heading type or MARC bib field via API
Delete authority record Leader updates (UXPROD-4304)
Description: When a MARC authority record is deleted, the Leader position (record status) 05 is set to “d”.
Failed updates: Linked bibliographic fields report (UXPROD-4053)
Description: There is a new report that contains any fields in a MARC bibliographic record that did not update once the linked heading in the MARC authority record was updated. This report can be accessed via a new “Reports” section in the MARC authority Actions menu, and once run, can be downloaded from Export Manager.
Authority control enhancements (UXPROD-4071)
Description: After receiving feedback on manual authority control in the Orchid release, we addressed the following enhancements:
Create a new MARC bibliographic record from the UI (UXPROD-3909)
Description: You can now create an original MARC bibliographic record directly from Inventory. For users with the “quickMARC: Create a new MARC bibliographic record” permission, there is a new option in the Inventory Actions menu which will open a blank MARC bibliographic record in quickMARC. Upon saving and closing quickMARC, a new Instance record will be created.