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Instance detail screen

Status is always "Available" or "Unavailable".  Currently, this approximates whether or not the item can be requested but it's not a perfect overlap. This needs both definition and reconciliation.

A document that elaborates on the display behavior for instances and items in the DCB union catalog, can be found here.

Patron authentication

Patrons have two paths to authenticate in OpenRS. 1) Select the avatar in the upper right corner of the screen where the user will be prompted to "sign-in" or 2) Click on "place hold" button underneath the instance title. 

In both cases, if the patron has not already authenticated in the current browser session, they will be prompted for their institutional affiliation. From there, they will be prompted for their credentials. OpenRS supports both SSL and native ILS authentication (e.g. barcode and PIN).

Authentication is performed against the ILS. Patron record lookups are always against the ILS/LMS. No patron data is stored in DCB.


Place hold

After the patron is authenticated, the patron is prompted to select a pickup location and then click on the "place hold" button. After that, you will see a spinning circle and, in the background DCB executes RTAC again to acquire the latest state information from the ILS/LMS' with items.

A document that elaborates on the behavior for instances and items in the DCB union catalog, can be found here.

Hold placed
**Need hold results screens here.



Supplier request

As the supplier, the Requests app is where to start. All DCB transactions are of request type "page" and, via FOLIO, always have the same requester name of "DcbSystem, undefined." The requester barcode, however, is specific to the patron library. This acts as the unique identifier for library staff to communicate with borrowing library patrons when circulation exceptions occur (e.g. lost book).

OpenRS (a.k.a virtual) patron groups are the same in every FOLIO library and there are corresponding patron groups in every member library system. Regardless of the type of ILS/LMS, the DCB performs the mapping to translate equivalents to each library. (see mappings under the DCB Admin section below).

Every pickup location at other member libraries are represented as "Pickup service points". These can be referred to as "virtual" service points since these pickup locations are derived from the borrowing library. These are generated on-the-fly when that pickup location is newly introduced to a tenant and then reused for subsequent requests for that virtual pickup location. In Q CSP5, these service points will also automatically link to the default DCB calendar.

Virtual patronThe DcbSystem patron is intentionally thin compared to a local patron. The only call out not already covered is the user type which is dcb, created by FOLIO. This canotes a special meaning and handling of the record (which is not editable or searchable).

Borrower requestAs a FOLIO borrower,  OpenRS/DCB holds are associated with borrowing patron. They can see and cancel OpenRS holds in Locate's as well as see checked out items and initiate renewals from bookshelf feature.

Virtual item

DCB Admin module
