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US Toll: +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 867 230 970
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Discussion items

5 minAnnouncementsJesseAnnouncementsNone.
30 mins Updates Chairs/Leads

Community Council - Kirstin

  • Last update to PC was Feb. 24, 2022 - this update summarizes the CC meetings Feb. 28 + March 14, 2022
  • CC continued to work on a letter to the FOLIO members to reflect on the recent situation on resources and FOLIO's state of the art
    • Work is nearly finished now
    • Letter was translated to Chinese
  • Review of the MoUs – second draft: to be send sent out in April. It has an adjusted membership fee structure.

New FOLIO members – waiting for MoU’s:

    • TU Technical University of Munich 
    • CRL (Center for Research Libraries)
    • University Library FAU Nürnberg-Erlangen 
  • New  FOLIO websidewebsite: planned  publication date in mid April
  • Report from treasurer:  AWS costs will increase significantly – needs to be balanced by membership fees
  • WOLFCon agenda planning – work in progress: volunteers welcome:
  • Community Council Meetings are in general open to participants!  Next will be on March 28, 2022

Technical Council 

  • TC technical reviews
    • Accepted UI for administering MARC authorities, plugin for "find fund"
    • Translation app: see below
  • Subgroups
    • Translations subgroup formed to do architecture review of translation mechanisms:
      • back-end static translation architecture
      • translation of library-customized messages at run-time (Translation app)
      • Separate but related reviews, plan to use RFC process for feedback
    • Controlling AWS costs: AWS costs have increased dramatically, beyond budget, group formed to look at ways to limit costs
    • Technical documentation/New developer onboarding: Some initial review has happened, subgroup forming
    • New Module Tech Evaluation: Refining acceptance criteria and process language to be more clear
    • Technical Evaluation Process: reviving/refining previous RFC process, gathered feedback from devs, will test out with some current FOLIO technical decisions

Product Owners

15 minCapacity Planning Team RolesJesseDiscussion
5 minFuture meeting topics:JessePrioritization Process WG update (Tentative: March 31)
