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5 minAnnouncements

10 min

Long Term Release recommendations 

Goal: decision on whether to endorse

 Kristin Martin LTR document:
5 minRoadmap next steps, takeaways from Community Council discussionJesse Koennecke 
20 min

Community Council, Technical Council, Capacity Planning, Product Owners updates

Community Council:

  • Last update to PC was Dec. 02, 2021 - this update summarizes the CC meetings Dec. 13, 2021; Jan. 10 + 24, 2022
  • Update from the OLF + OLF Board: OLF Board seeks new OLF community board member  - nominations open until Jan 30, 2022
  • CC retrospective discussion: reflection on last years work (what was good / what do we want to improve?)
    • Fiscal overview for 2022 was presented by the FOLIO treasurer
  • Communications Strategies Working Group:
      • FOLIO Webside Update: Mike G. introduced a concept – participation is welcomed
      • New content needs to be written as well
  • CC is working on a calender to ensure, that necessary tasks and duties are followed up and done
  • Membership drive
    • Action item 1: Letter to members, new leaders, interested parties
    • Action item 2: Review MoU
    • Action item 3: Setup framework for participation: Find more engaged community members as PO, developers, convener, etc.
  • Community Update Meeting Feb., 11, 2022

Technical Council:

  • Review requests: ongoing. Approved mod-inventory-update, a sort of back-end update assistant. Re-evaluation of mod-ldp and ui-ldp are under way. Looking for review teams for three other modules: ui-bulk-edit, ui-marc-authorities, & Translation App.
    • Recommendation to include criteria around architectural fit, duplicating functions
    • Finding reviewers is not always easy, modules may require reviewers with specific skills/knowledge
    • Translation App has significant implications for our approach to translations, may be a larger review/conversation.
  • Hosted AWS environments. Costs have increased over the last year, TC has been asked to review and make recommendations for changes. Will organize a group of people much closer to operations to advise.
  • Council Goals/Objectives: Reviewing FOLIO Vision, Strategic Objectives and Initiatives for TC responsibilities. Drafting our own objectives/initiatives document and setting some goals. Expect to have something to report out for quarterly Community Update.
  • Technical Decision Process: Main issue is how to make technical decisions without making TC a bottleneck: which decisions need to be elevated to TC, and can be made elsewhere and by whom? Has been slow to make progress, forming a subgroup to focus on this.
  • Governance issues: working though expectations for participation, how to allocate work if there are no volunteers/need to spread work around, processes for creating subgroups. The current load is driving basic questions of how we work. 

Capacity Planning:

Product Owners:

  • Lotus release: POs are working hard to wrap up this release. There are several features at risk for the release and we are addressing these risks. 
  • Team discussed how to incorporate User Acceptance Testing (UAT) earlier in the release cycle. 
  • User Acceptance Testing is in progress or complete for > Title Level Requests, Export orders in EDIFACT format, and Authority control. 
  • Morning Glory: POs are beginning to plan for this release Anya  
  • Team met with Anya to discuss Support SIG and how POs can assist them. One action item: Ask FOLIO Implementers and SIGs to attend Support SIG to help review issues. 

45 min


Authority Control

  • Demo of new functionality

Discussion goals:

  • Informational to learn about new features of authority control
  • When does the PC need to learn about major development in functionality

5 minAgenda planning for the futureall
