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App Interaction will have a meeting discussing UI options for saving (e.g. save & keep editing, save & create another, etc.) on September 11th at 12pm ET. Link to mockups will be forthcoming. (The link should appear soon in the MM SIG channel as well)

PC update

2023-08-31 Product Council Meeting notes

Meeting logistics: Discussed shortening the PC meetings - will change from 90 min to 60 min, with meeting start at 10 am EST / 4 pm CET. Test through September. 

Encouraged everyone to be responsive on Slack, in order to be more supportive of FOLIO participants following the project in different time zones. 

  • difficult for Australian colleagues to join meetings since meeting times are often in the middle of the night; so being more responsive on slack would help

Four new PC subgroups have been formed. The purpose is to focus the work following up on WOLFCON 2023 - Overview of Subgroups:

Other post WOLFcon follow up tasks:

  1. the work in the prioritization and road map group
  2. encouraged all participants in WOLFcon to fill in survey send out by mail
  3. the planning group will do a retrospective meeting (later today 8/31/2023)

Further notes:

  • there is a wiki page for each of the subgroups (linked above)
  • 3rd bullet, structuring SIG reports to PC
EMWG update
  • slides available Entity Management App Use Cases (Doug Loynes, EBSCO; Jacquie Samples, Duke)
  • wanted to avoid telling developers there is only one way to work with entities or one framework
  • want a flexible framework that all types of libraries could make use of it; a system that works for a majority of libraries & flexible enough for multiple use cases; not necessarily confined to an entities app
  • spreadsheet based on framework created by group
  • two early guidelines
    • use cases should not include exact language on how solution should be created, but may have language about outcome
    • As a (library type) I (Role) need...
  • Role/Library Type/Use Case Categories/Priority
  • spreadsheet includes use cases that are important but should not be confined to the Entities App
  • a miro board gives a visualization of use cases
  • LC BF project
    • key decision 1: Refactor Marva in React (tight interoperability with FOLIO)
    • key decision 2: Marva as a stand-alone app (available to non-FOLIO libs as a front end)
    • Timeline:
      • November 2023: Thin thread (pre-release; focus on copy cataloging English monographs; create data graph from MARC records; released to select FOLIO libs in test
      • March/April 2024 (Q release/Quesnelia) (production releast of BF functionality (original & copy workflows; work, instance, item; primarily monographs; BF2MARC2BF transformation
      • October 2024 LC's planned launch of BF in FOLIO
  • want to hand off EMWG work now to MM SIG


  • about last comment; MM SIG has such a huge breadth of responsibility and adding more is a bit worrying
    • entity management wg was not associated with any development group & perhaps a new group needs to be more closely associated with development that is happening
    • do we need to ask Product Council about what it should be? Subgroup? Entirely new group? MM SIG needs to be a big part of it, but run it? Other groups have interests in this too (Acquisitions, ERM)
    • going back to community a good idea; this potential suite of apps will have impact across FOLIO (are we talking about a bunch of smaller apps?)
    • need to know more about the work that is currently happening? how are we engaging? outcome may be a number of working groups, including engagement outside MM SIG
    • need PC to assign developers
    • guidance coming from LC Marva on the thin thread work? Yes.
    • functionality that is coming with LC work a big part of use case discussion; trying to understand the process–are you using work of EMWG? How should we follow your work?
      • parallel work with LC & WG; trying to bring into alignment
      • not just building something that is bespoke for LC; important to have had step-back view
    • don't want to spin up a group that is not very closely aligned to the work being done
Resource titleChristine Schultz-Richert 

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

  • investigating a search option that only searches the 245
  • originally resource title, but issues with non-filing characters
  • should we concentrate on index title?
    • suggestion: index title if it exists; otherwise fall back on resource title
  • is this going to be left-anchored? keyword?
    • Left-anchored mostly covered by browse
    • if keyword, the non-filing doesn't really matter
  • need to make sure we account for variety of languages in initial articles
  • do people want it?
    • do find it noisy in specific searches
    • there is a ticket about implementing ability to do phrase search without word stemming (right now only does stemming in English)
    • from chat:
      • The MM-SIG has previously discussed: MSEARCH-463 Inventory search on Title (all) return too many results
        Jira Legacy
        serverSystem Jira
      • Forcing exact matching with quotes is a good convention.
    • if we are doing a known-item search, do we expect it to be left-anchored or keyword?

MM Dashboard with Bulk Edit
