App Interaction will have a meeting discussing UI options for saving (e.g. save & keep editing, save & create another, etc.) on September 11th at 12pm ET. Link to mockups will be forthcoming. (The link should appear soon in the MM SIG channel as well)
Meeting logistics: Discussed shortening the PC meetings - will change from 90 min to 60 min, with meeting start at 10 am EST / 4 pm CET. Test through September.
Encouraged everyone to be responsive on Slack, in order to be more supportive of FOLIO participants following the project in different time zones.
difficult for Australian colleagues to join meetings since meeting times are often in the middle of the night; so being more responsive on slack would help
Four new PC subgroups have been formed. The purpose is to focus the work following up on WOLFCON 2023 - Overview of Subgroups:
wanted to avoid telling developers there is only one way to work with entities or one framework
want a flexible framework that all types of libraries could make use of it; a system that works for a majority of libraries & flexible enough for multiple use cases; not necessarily confined to an entities app
spreadsheet based on framework created by group
two early guidelines
use cases should not include exact language on how solution should be created, but may have language about outcome
As a (library type) I (Role) need...
Role/Library Type/Use Case Categories/Priority
spreadsheet includes use cases that are important but should not be confined to the Entities App
a miro board gives a visualization of use cases
LC BF project
key decision 1: Refactor Marva in React (tight interoperability with FOLIO)
key decision 2: Marva as a stand-alone app (available to non-FOLIO libs as a front end)
November 2023: Thin thread (pre-release; focus on copy cataloging English monographs; create data graph from MARC records; released to select FOLIO libs in test
about last comment; MM SIG has such a huge breadth of responsibility and adding more is a bit worrying
entity management wg was not associated with any development group & perhaps a new group needs to be more closely associated with development that is happening
do we need to ask Product Council about what it should be? Subgroup? Entirely new group? MM SIG needs to be a big part of it, but run it? Other groups have interests in this too (Acquisitions, ERM)
going back to community a good idea; this potential suite of apps will have impact across FOLIO (are we talking about a bunch of smaller apps?)
need to know more about the work that is currently happening? how are we engaging? outcome may be a number of working groups, including engagement outside MM SIG
need PC to assign developers
guidance coming from LC Marva on the thin thread work? Yes.
functionality that is coming with LC work a big part of use case discussion; trying to understand the process–are you using work of EMWG? How should we follow your work?
parallel work with LC & WG; trying to bring into alignment
not just building something that is bespoke for LC; important to have had step-back view
don't want to spin up a group that is not very closely aligned to the work being done