JIRA Tickets associated with this Report Cluster:
- This report is modeled on ERM-Agreements Costs Cluster, a cluster of ERM reports currently consisting of (REP-XXX, etc.). The purpose of this cluster of reports is to show cost statistics associated with ERM agreements.
- For e-Resources resources stored in Inventory please see information on ERM Inventory costs - FOLIO Wiki, Jira UXprod JIRA UXPROD-2408
- DBS - Deutsche Bibliotheksstatisk: https://www.bibliotheksstatistik.de/
- U.S. Association of Research Libraries (ARL) survey documentation: http://www.arlstatistics.org/about/Mailings
- U.S. Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) survey documentation: https://acrl.countingopinions.com/
- U.S. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) survey documentation: https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/report-your-data/resource-center-academic-libraries
- How much did I pay for my agreements? e.g. e-Books
- Output: time frame / invoice amounts
- Rep- 68: Journals and newspaper in electronic form: costs for those (licenses) in the reporting year (REP-68 , DBS REP-41 (costs): Annual E-Resource Counts for ARL, ACRL and NCES and local reporting
- REP-58 (3): Digital stocks, altogether (without electronic journals and electronic newspapers) (DBS 113)
- REP-59 (2): Digital stocks, among these: commercially sold E-Books (digital textual materials which allow for searches on them) (DBS 113.4)
- REP-62 (costs): "Digital stocks, of those: stocks in data bases (contents which are to be retrieved under a common user interface) serials that are not continuous,
not published on a regular basis; aggregator databases; for example, databases with topically based selections of journals" (DBS 121) REP-68: Journals and newspaper in electronic form: costs for those (licenses) in the reporting year (DBS 134 , expenses)
- Output: Amount
RepREP-69: Other costs for journals and newspapers in electronic form, e.g. one-time purchase of backfiles (REP-69 , DBS 135, expenses)
- Output: Amount
of backfiles (DBS 135, expenses)
- Output: Amount
- REP-158: Request and Verify Status of E-Resource Purchase Requests
- REP-232: All materials expenditures divided into physical vs. electronic (lower priority for breakouts by format within these divisions). (Lower priority for budgeted amounts for materials?)
Data Attributes
- (high-level list of data fields)
- Data Attributes will come from the following application areas: Orders, Invoices, and Agreements
- (describe report cluster parameters, criteria, filters, etc.)
-See ERM Statistics summary for report descriptions and priority.
-See UXPROD-1264 - Calculate Statistics: Costs Per Download
Information Resources for Data Attributes
FOLIO Attribute Definition Sources
-API reference documentation for all modules located at: https://dev.folio.org/reference/api/
-See eUsage: requirements/fields
-See UXPROD-1264 - Calculate Statistics: Costs Per Download
-See the Finance Data Model
-RM-Costs Cluster Prototype FOLIO Wiki