- An important part of the PO role is to meet with the SIGs to gather product requirements
- The SIG(s) you work with will depend on the epic you are managing
- You are welcome to attend any SIG meetings to familiarize yourself with how they operate. If you are new to the project you might want to ping the SIG convener in advance so they can introduce you at the beginning of the call.
- You can find a list of the SIGs with links to additional info (including the contact info for the SIG convener) here
- Each SIG has a folder on Google Drive. These will contain working documents and may have meeting recordings (though these are not saved consistently).
3.1) Jira
List of projects: https://issuesfolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/secure/BrowseProjects.jspa?selectedCategory=all
If your team needs a project that is not on the list, please request from /wiki/spaces/~kgambrell/overview or Jakub Skoczen
Epics are sub-projects in FOLIO. An epic should represent development that may take up to three releases (~about 12 months of development). Definition of Done: Basic functionality is in place and working in production. Advanced functionality should be managed with another epic. It should be a way to describe a workflow/functionality/product at a high level and then user stories and/or features that represent a breakdown of the epic. Agile Alliance definition of an epic (https://www.agilealliance.org/glossary/epic/). The epic kanban board can be found here.
3.2.2) UXPROD Features
- A feature is what an institution reviews to prioritize its needs for go-live and for tracking functionality planned in future releases. It is important that features are
- Clearly defined and written with the customer in mind.
- Describe the problem or need the features will address
- Describe the benefit(s) of implementing the feature
- Describe any risk(s) of not implementing the feature
- Describe any known dependencies
- Use the Template = UXPROD features as a guide
- Revise your features as needed so that institutions have an accurate understanding of what will be delivered for a release. A feature set to Closed are included in Release Notes. Example - Kiwi (R3 2021) Release Notes.
- Use of Labels
- Technical debt feature should have the label NFR assigned
- To allow a SIG to see which features are applicable to the SIG, consider adding the label
SIG Label Users usermanagement Resource Access resourceaccess Resource Management resourcemanagement Electronic resource management erm Metadata Management metadatamanagement Acquisitions acquisitions Data import data-import Cross Platform crossplatform Linked Open Data lod-sig
- The feature kanban board is here
- A simple list of features is here
- Example features:
- Detailed: https://issuesfolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/browse/UXPROD-271
- Some detail: https://issuesfolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/browse/UXPROD-145
- Feature estimates:
- When features are created, you should ask for them to be estimated (front-end estimate and back-end estimate)
- This will allow us to stay on top of our project plans and help SMEs make informed tradeoffs regarding what should be prioritized
- If development team agrees to work on a feature for a release then assign fields: Development team and Fixed version/s
- A feature is what an institution reviews to prioritize its needs for go-live and for tracking functionality planned in future releases. It is important that features are
- Every release, each team should have a
- Technical debt feature > A feature that allocates dev time to unexpected/expected work such as defects, code improvements, etc. [Apply a label NFR ]
- Question: Managing a feature dependency - Should a team create separate UXPROD feature for another team to complete their portion of work necessary in scope of initially created feature? [Yes -this feature(s) should be agreed upon by teams. Teams should review estimates and discuss expected release dates for features delivery.]
Some example user stories:
- UIU-253 - Loan Actions: Loan Action for Requests
- UIREQ-1 - Requests: View Request Details v1
- UIU-181 - Assign Proxy v2: Sponsor Sub-Section
- Create a UX story outlining what needs to be designed and why. Example of UX stories: UX-414, UX-402, UX-399
- Include rough mockups in any form from other FOLIO apps or examples from other ILS's to help convey the concepts that need to be designed
- Set up a time to discuss the story with the designer
- If possible provide real-world data so that it can be included on the mockups that will be created for the story
- Depending on the complexity of the project, consider setting up a 15-30 minute meeting twice a week to discuss feedback and iterations
- The PO can take the mockups and solicit feedback from the SIGs and Devs and then report back to the designer so that further iterations can be made to the designs
- FOLIO storybook - documents stripes components
- FOLIO design system (needs updates)
- Accessibility Overview for Product Owners
5) Resources
- The FOLIO software development site is available at dev.folio.org.
- FOLIO uses discuss.folio.org for asynchronous messaging. The Discuss site is a web forum with categories, topics, and posts. Use Discuss for asking questions and recording discussions that require more than a few sentences.
- FOLIO uses wiki.folio.org to store documents with some permanence. FOLIO Special Interest Groups (SIGs), which are dedicated to specific functional areas or interests within FOLIO, have a space on the wiki.
- Join the SIG meeting that is appropriate to the area where you are working: Community Calendars
- FOLIO Slack channels for real-time chat are available at folio-project.slack.com. Anyone may request to join the FOLIO Slack channels using an automated web form.
- The FOLIO Google Drive has working documents for various project groups including most SIGs and the Product Council. There is a Product Owners sub-folder for our documents. Contact Anne L. Highsmith to Khalilah to gain access to the FOLIO Google Drive. Tell her you are a new FOLIO Product Owner.
- FOLIO JIRA is the project's issue (bug, story etc.) tracker. Please sign up and then ask /wiki/spaces/~kgambrell/overview or Jakub Skoczen for the ability to edit issues.
- Observations and Comments Wiki Page: The FOLIO wiki has a page in which manual testers and community members can report observations and issues which they aren't sure are actually defects. It should be watched by all POs. If an observation has been added in relation to one of your apps, please review and follow-up as needed.