Purpose: To continue development of user proxy feature.
Given the section of User Details currently labeled "Proxy Permissions"
When displayed
Then it should be relabeled "Proxy"
Given the Sponsor sub-section of the Proxy section of User Details for User A
When a Sponsor S is displayed
Then the following data elements should display:
Sponsor - Name of Sponsor S (<last>, <first>) with link to user details for Sponsor S Yay! This doesn't show the comma when there is no first name
Relationship status - Select menu with values "Active" and "Inactive" (UIU-200 defines how this menu should be set)
Expiration date - Date picker (locale aware)
Notifications sent to - Select menu with values "Proxy" and "Sponsor". Default = Sponsor
Fees and fines accrue to - Select menu with values "Proxy" and "Sponsor". Default = Sponsor
Relationship created - Read only time stamp with date/time proxy relationship was created in FOLIO. Locale-aware. CB: I see why this was missed - it's not displaying in the mockups except in a few places. I'm not sure why. Anyway, I do think we want it. You can see how it should look in this mockup
Proxy can request for sponsor - Select menu with values "Yes" and "No". Default = Yes
-Default transactions - Number of open loans initiated by User A on behalf of Sponsor S. If > 0, should be a link to ?? CB: Need UX input on this - see UX-62 for details)- CB: Agreed with SIG this isn't needed for v1.
Out of scope for this story:
Set expiration date at beginning of academic term
Given a Sponsor S displaying in the Proxy section of User Details for User A
When displayed
Then a trash can icon should display as shown in the attached wireframes
Given the trash can icon
When clicked
Then a delete confirmation message should display:
Delete Sponsor?
The proxy relationship of <UserALast>, <UserAFirst> to <SponsorSLast> to <SponsorSFirst> will be deleted. CB: Names are reversed.
Delete - Proxy relationship between Sponsor S and User A should be deleted and:
Sponsor S should be removed from the Sponsor section of User Details for User A
User A should be removed from the Proxy section of User Details for Sponsor S
Cancel - Closes delete confirmation
Given a Sponsor S displaying in the Proxy section of User Details for User A
When displayed
Then it should be expandable/collapsible as shown in the linked wireframesCB: Having sub-accordions is dependent on STCOM-116 which may or may not have been done at the time of this work. If not, it's okay to have each proxy and sponsor expanded for the first pass (we can add sub-accordion later)
ICs tested the last red xs - all looks fine; closed
Cate Boerema January 10, 2018 at 4:06 PM
Oh, yeah. That proxy table display issue was already filed: As regards setting the expiration date in the past, I think that's fine. There is no requirement (as of yet) to disallow that.
FYI, there are some stories in the backlog for triggering relationship status changes based on expiration date: and
Anya January 10, 2018 at 3:51 PM
Hi Cate,
The time date stamp does display- however it lets me pick an expire date that has already occurred. And when I look at the 3 pane view for the user and expand the proxy section it gives me the name but the outline of the box is 3 sided and looks incomplete...
Cate Boerema January 10, 2018 at 8:53 AM
Excellent! Thanks, . There was one failed bullet point in scenario 2, as well. Could you verify that's working/in place? Then you can edit the issue description to change the icons to and close the issue.
Anya January 9, 2018 at 5:54 PM
IC's tested Scenario 4 - worked as expected. Is there anything else needed before this can be closed?
Purpose: To continue development of user proxy feature.
Given the section of User Details currently labeled "Proxy Permissions"
When displayed
Then it should be relabeled "Proxy"
Given the Sponsor sub-section of the Proxy section of User Details for User A
When a Sponsor S is displayed
Then the following data elements should display:
Sponsor - Name of Sponsor S (<last>, <first>) with link to user details for Sponsor S Yay! This doesn't show the comma when there is no first name
Relationship status - Select menu with values "Active" and "Inactive" (UIU-200 defines how this menu should be set)
Expiration date - Date picker (locale aware)
Notifications sent to - Select menu with values "Proxy" and "Sponsor". Default = Sponsor
Fees and fines accrue to - Select menu with values "Proxy" and "Sponsor". Default = Sponsor
Relationship created - Read only time stamp with date/time proxy relationship was created in FOLIO. Locale-aware. CB: I see why this was missed - it's not displaying in the mockups except in a few places. I'm not sure why. Anyway, I do think we want it. You can see how it should look in this mockup
Proxy can request for sponsor - Select menu with values "Yes" and "No". Default = Yes
-Default transactions - Number of open loans initiated by User A on behalf of Sponsor S. If > 0, should be a link to ?? CB: Need UX input on this - see UX-62 for details)- CB: Agreed with SIG this isn't needed for v1.
Out of scope for this story:
Set expiration date at beginning of academic term
Given a Sponsor S displaying in the Proxy section of User Details for User A
When displayed
Then a trash can icon should display as shown in the attached wireframes
Given the trash can icon
When clicked
Then a delete confirmation message should display:
Delete Sponsor?
The proxy relationship of <UserALast>, <UserAFirst> to <SponsorSLast> to <SponsorSFirst> will be deleted. CB: Names are reversed.
Delete - Proxy relationship between Sponsor S and User A should be deleted and:
Sponsor S should be removed from the Sponsor section of User Details for User A
User A should be removed from the Proxy section of User Details for Sponsor S
Cancel - Closes delete confirmation
Given a Sponsor S displaying in the Proxy section of User Details for User A
When displayed
Then it should be expandable/collapsible as shown in the linked wireframes CB: Having sub-accordions is dependent on STCOM-116 which may or may not have been done at the time of this work. If not, it's okay to have each proxy and sponsor expanded for the first pass (we can add sub-accordion later)